Posts Tagged ‘sender’

First off, why on God’s green earth when something is working do they have to go and break it!?  Below is how to change your choices in Yahoo Mail so you can sort your e-mail by Sender.  (click on the images below to see the full image)

The following is courtesy of www.TheWebElves.Net. They found it for me and I just had to share because no one else has!

How to Sort by other than date or unread or attachments or starred (the most unhelpful choices – beyond unread)



In mail there is a gear in the upper right hand corner. it will drop down when you hover over it. Click on Settings, (remember you can click the images)



click on Viewing email,


uncheck the “enable conversations” check box. Click save.


Now you will be able to sort by help choices such as sender  or subject when you click view (just below the gear in the upper right hand corner).
