Archive for April 2021

The Search for Bubbles

Disclaimer: this is an ENTIRELY fictional story. Some of the people and places are real but the story itself is ENTIRELY a fabrication. It is not REAL. Nothing was taken from the Hero’s Journal.

So Kyle & Nick challenge us to write a story about what we think Bubbles is.  This is what I came up with.  I changed the names to protect this innocent. 😂🤣😂



They snuck into the room and looked around.  The shelf on the wall held a collection of very interesting things.

“We could take the knife,” Irol whispered.

“Who has the bag of holding? We need those journals and that case!” Thia whispered back.

“Stay on task ladies.” Lucy chided. “We are here for Bubbles.”

“Isn’t that a hippo?” Thia asked. Giggle erupted.

“I’m taking the journals.” Ivaely whispered.  Everyone nodded.  That would save a ton on shipping. “What do you think Bubbles is?”

“Wait! Why are we whispering? The Lads are all down at the Din Tai Fung eating dumplings and off to Mox to play D&D.  We have at least 3 hours probably closer to 4 to search,” Thia stated out loud. “We can all grab a journal or 2 from the warehouse on the way out. It will be like Free Journal Friday.”

Irol said, “We need to split up and search. Bubbles has to be here somewhere!”

“I’m guessing the bedrooms can be left alone,” Lucy suggested.  Everyone nodded.  No one really wanted to go there.

“Split up,” Lucy said.

“Take the good stuff,” Irol suggested.

Everyone giggled some more.

The ladies each went to a different room and began the search for Bubbles.  30 minutes later Ivaely shrieked, “I found Bubbles!”

Everyone rushed to the office she was in and looked at the item she was hold.  “Do we tell the rest of the Hero’s Quarters what it is?”

The ladies looked at each other trying to decide.  “No.” suggested Thia.

They looked at her puzzled.  “Why bother? We know Nick can’t hold his Beans.  Give him a week or two and he’ll spill.  Until then, it will be our little secret. Agreed?”

Everyone giggle some more and nodded in agreement.  Ivaely put Bubbles back where she found it and the Bubble conspirators left, only pausing to grab a journal or 2 on the way out.

“Now what?” Lucy asked.

“Hey, let’s grab Belle and go play D&D at Mox.” Thia suggested.

“Won’t the Lads be surprised to see us?” Irol giggled.

Everyone giggled and hopped in the car and headed get Belle and then to Mox secure in their knowledge that if they waited a week or 2 more Nick would spill the Bubble Beans … because everyone knows Nick can’t hold his Beans.


That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!