Archive for June 2011

Nathan Ford: No. You are emotionally involved. It leads to bad decisions.
Alec Hardison: I’m sorry. Did you just say that? With a straight face?
Nate: Not helpful. Not helpful at all.

Alec Hardison: Ok. Fine. I, ah, just, ah, think I should keep an eye on you.
Parker: Keep an eye on me?
Hardison: Well, not you. You and Eliot. It’s a dangerous mountain. There could be some polar bear or some ill tempered Eskimos. Like….

After thinking a bit more about my new adventure I’ve decided on a couple of things.

1. I’m going to start from scratch so the wonderful spaghetti dinner – although my 1st adventure – isn’t going to count.  So, I’ll just have to go visit Cozy & Bob again.

2. I’m not going to visit ALL my Facebook friends.  Just those with whom I have had conversation.  I have a bunch of game friends that I’ve never interacted with other than to send game requests.  So those folks are going to be excluded.  And of course there is a but… there’s always a butt.  Some of the famous folks on my friend list don’t interact with me, but they are still on the visit list assuming I can get an appointment/date.  =)

3. No time limit… just a money limit.  Since I have friends all over the world and of various levels of fame, some are going to be harder than others.  Like getting a dinner date with my Beloved David is going to be a WHOLE lot easier than getting even 5 minutes with Mike Rowe.  But with time and persistance all things can be accomplished.  Right? Right!

4. Group gatherings count.  We have a dinner every year around Christmas and that grabs about 10 or so friends.  And then there’s the Facebook lunch we have periodically.  Which is a ton of fun… I highly recommend doing it.  And then there’s the Lewiston Crew… that should be a fun trip.

Proximity is going to be a big thing too.  I know I’ll get to those folks in my immediate area sooner than someone on the other side of the world.  Which is why there’s no time limit.  Getting Down Under is going to take a lot more planning than say dinner with South Eastern PA, Delaware, NJ friends.

5. Language barrier.  This is one I have to think about.  Do I really want to visit someone who won’t understand a lick of what I’m saying?  This is a definite maybe.  Although, if I don’t speak the same language as they do #2 is probably going to kick in.

So… “Party on Garth. …”

I’ve decided I want to do a Facebook World Tour. I want to visit my Facebook friends in the town in which they live for a meal, a drink, or an extended stay. Whatever is most appropriate based on proximity to my home and their tolerance of my presence!

This is going to be super easy for some, like my Beloved. He’s very tolerant of my presence. And he’s close! Then there’s gonna be some that are a little harder. The Mythbusters are going to be a bit of a challenge. We’ll work on that one later.

Off I go on my new adventure, which I actually started some time ago. I’ll write more when a) it’s not midnight and I have to get up for work and b) I’m not on a hand held!

As the old saying goes… “Party on Garth. …”