Archive for the ‘TV general’ Category

I won’t normally comment on politics.  It’s just way too easy to offend just about everyone with a simple statement like “In my opinion, the President was wearing an ugly tie today.”  Even though it’s my opinion, it just starts a flame war.  I just agree that I disagree with people and leave it at that.  I have my opinions on our government and I vote.  I work for a local government and I am an elected official. 

Ok.  So my Beloved David was watching the news last night and the President of the United State is taking time out of his busy to announce his upcoming appearance on Muthbusters.  And not only did he drag the Mythbusters (Jamie & Adam) all the way across the country for this press conference – he had his speech writers write him up a speech (because we all know this man doesn’t say hello without having a speech written) and he stopped his entire day to announce his upcoming appearance on a Reality TV show.

WTF! Doesn’t this man have better things to do with his time? Isn’t our economy in the tank? Don’t we have a health care crisis?  Shouldn’t our Pretender & Thief be concentrating on these things rather than appearing on TV?  And not even a news or a talk show – a reality TV show.  Come on.  Puh-LEASE!

I think Obama is putting the Mythbusters in a very awkward position. Not once in all of thier 8 season have the Mythbusters mentioned politics or religion.  They have been very careful to keep their opinions off the show.  As a matter of fact you don’t know if they are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Martian.  You don’t know if they are Christian, Hindu or Buddist.  But now, by forcing an appearing on the TV show Mythbusters our Pretender & Thief is making it seem like the Mythbusters are endorcing him and therefore his policies and his activities.  Obama is being very unfair – but that doesn’t matter to him.

The Mythbusters are revisiting the Archimedes Death Ray.  Again. For the 3rd time.  I think that this is wrong myth for this show.  I really think they should be revisiting the myth from the “End with a Bang” show.  It’s where Jamie & Adam go to the zoo, gather various poop sample and attempt to polish it.  Jamie took lion. Adam took giraffe.  Yeah, the Polish a Turd myth would be appropriate, in my opinion, as I think our President is full of it.  They proved once that you can polish a turd and they’d be able to prove it again.  As my favorite Woozle says, “Polish a turd it’s still a turd.”

How can I grieve for a man I’ve never met? Was he the Dali Lama or the Pope? Was he a September 11 hero? No, all he did was run a crab fishing boat on the Bering Sea.

DeadliestCatch has become more than a TV show for me. They have become this weird extended family that visits once a week (more if you count re-runs).  Don’t get me wrong – I haven’t lost touch with reality.  I know it is a TV show and the folks on there have NO idea who I am.  Although, I did get to meet the the Hillstrand’s & Captain Sig at a book signing, though. They look bigger on TV.  But for a brief moment the Captains and crews of the F/V’s Cornelia Marie, Northwestern, Time Bandit, and Wizard allow us into their lives to share the good, the bad and the ugly.

We cried with Jake Anderson when his beloved sister passed. And we have a new found respect for Captain Sig and his heart of gold.  We waited nervously with Captain Keith as he waited for his biopsy results. We gasped in horror as the 40′ wall of water nearly washed the Wizards crew away.  And then cried with Keith and jumped with as he was regaining his nerve.  We rejoiced with Johnathan when Scotty came, got mad when he left, and were happy again when he returned.  We dance with Johnathan & Andy when they are on the crab.  We miss the crew members who have retired.

On Feb 9, the Deadlist Catch was dealt a blow: Captain Phil Harris went crab fishing in the next life.

The Cornelia Marie is one of my favorites.  Maybe because she’s painted the same blue as you see in the Carribean. Or maybe she was painted to match her Captain’s eyes?

I roared with laughter when, after getting fed up with Josh & Jake fighting, Phil looked at the camera and said, “and now you know why Lions eat their young.”  I worried with the rest of the crew when Phil had his broken ribs (which turn out to be a more serious pulmonary embolism) – albeit long after the fact.  I was sad when Murray decided to retire – how would the Cornelia Marie go on?  I loved Phil’s unique fishing technique – look for the fart bubbles. If it smell like sh*t, then the crab must be there.  And the crazy part was it worked.

Life is weirdly unfair.  After Josh found out his about his Dad’s blood clots, he said that Phil had a guardian angel.  And I think he did.  He was given a 2nd chance after his embolism. He got to fish 1 more season with his boys.  And when Phil had his stroke – he was docked, close to a medical facility and not 90 miles out to sea. Phil’s Guardian Angel put him in the right places at the right times.

Fair Winds and Following Sea.  And may the Fart Bubbles always be easy to find.

Ok. Have you ever seen a cats eyes glow and flash in the light? Have you ever wondered where the writers of Stargate came up with the idea of glowing eyed aliens?? Have you ever thought your cat was trying to control you? Have you ever wondered why cat’s are SO independant?

It’s my theory that the writers of Stargate came up with the idea of for the Goa’uld when one of them had the pants scared off of them when they caught their cats eyes flash and glow in the pitch black. How many of us haven’t had the pants scared off of us by a cat’s eyes glowing and flashing?  Come on, let’s be real.  I think it’s how the Goa’uld came ino being.

I could be wrong.

Episode – When Elephants Attack

This is a show worth watching for elephant conservation.

Elephants are afraid of bees. It’s interesting. Then again the African Killer Bees are something of which to be afraid.  One farm in Kenya or Tanzania was using a bee fence to keep the elephants from eating their crops. They had 86% less elephant damage than the farm next door that didn’t have a bee fence.  The farm also did a test to show that the sound of bees (that wonderful elephant memory at work) causes the elephants to leave.  And the older elephants thus teach the younger ones that this sound is bad – run away.  The farm test bee buzzing and a white noise on the same frequency as the buzz. The white noise got no reaction from the elephants. Watch the episode, it’s at the end.

Because I deleted the episode from the DVR my names are all missing – sorry.

Fatal elephant attacks are on the rise in Africa and India.  There are various theory’s at to why, but the one that Josh explores is poaching as the cause of elephant attacks. Elephants live very long lives and in such tight knit groups, when 1 is taken they mourn just like humans. It’s been documented that a herd of elephants will go back to the place where the elephant carcass is repeatedly. I didn’t know that. It’s known that elephants have a long memory. We can assign human feelings to the elephants – and why not – the experience mourning which implies a bonding and love. So if they can experience love, why not rage at the killing of their family? It’s one part of the theory that the baby’s are remembering the death of their Mom’s and are taking their rage out on human kind that killed Mom.  Another part is the matriach is being killed and there is no strong leadership and so the elephants are deliquent – just like a kid that grows up with no parents.

There is a lady Dame something something that takes orphan baby elephants, most with behavioral problems, and rehabilitates, raises them, and then releases them to a herd. Because they’ve been raised by humans they won’t harbor the bad feelings from infancy. The remember the happy times growing up. It was interesting how the elephants at the reserve help the incoming babies adjust to their new life.  Again… watch the program.

Then there was the rogue male elephant. He was scheduled for execution, but when the authorities saw he had a tracking device, they contacted the researchers to let them know that he in trouble. He had been breaking through electric fences and causing thousands of dollars of damage. He’s also been eating crops too. So because they could track this guy in real time, the researchers decided to see if they could use behavoir modification on him. So everytime he would go out of bounds a truck would show up and scare him back into the park area.  Well, because the elephants have good memory and seemly good deductive skills – this dude put 2 and 2 together and got 4.  Now he’s a well behaved mannerly elephant that doesn’t cause much damage.

The whole program was directed to the theory that poaching is the cause of the behavioral problems.  It’s interesting theory, which is unfortunately very hard to prove. It makes sense logically. And its interesting to watch. But then again, I like Josh’s style.

When is dead not dead?
When you are on a science fiction show.

Here’s an idea to make some Gardener’s Soap

Show – Nature’s Gifts – Episode DCRJ-709,2025,DIY_13767_5474484,00.html
Ideas – Gardener Lotion Bar

Ok. I enjoy watching Bear Grylls. He’s nuts. The good news is most likely I will never be in a situation where I need to do what he does. Thank God I won’t have to ever eat grubs or sushi in the form of raw fish or snakes. The other good news about not having to need his techniques is I probably won’t ever remember 1/2 of it if I would need it. Knowing my luck I’d eat the wrong plant and get totally sick and die.

The only thing I don’t like about the show is the fact that he catches and eats animals. I understand why he’s doing it. He’s showing how to catch and prepare food. But he really doesn’t need to… could give the techniques without actually killing the animals.  It’s just my thought. It’s a very good show and I do enjoy it.

Josh Bernstein has done it again. He’s created a new show, Into the Unknown, that is both entertaining and educational. I was a big fan of his show on the History Channel – Digging for the Truth. Now he has a similar style show on Discovery – Into the Unknown.  I do miss the Indiana Jones style hat.

What I like about Josh’s show is that he’s very respectful of the cultures and religions he’s exploring. He’s also very respectful of the history that he is exploring – and he looks good in a kilt (see the Roman Gladiator episode). 😀  It seems he’s not afraid of showing that he dosn’t know something. And he always seems interested in what his interveiwee are saying. And he doesn’t seem to ask stupid questions or “dumb down” the program.

I was very disappointed when Josh was replaced with Hunter Ellis. Hunter just didn’t have the right stuff for the show. He did a really interesting show on the Huntley, but the show just didn’t have a spark. I’m very pleased that Josh has a new show digging into the unknown truths.

After watching Show Me the Mummy (Season 3, Episode 5) it’s obvious how the are going to bring back Nathan Stark. They left it wide open if Ed Quinn ever wants to come back.

Nathan gave Allison a logic diamond as a wedding present. He “imprinted a small part of himself” into the diamond. So they will do something like…

…use the diamond to attrack Nathan’s essence from time and reassemble him. Or…

…use the essence of Nathan that is in the diamond to recreate his DNA and create a Nathan clone.

…or something like that. So as always with SciFi unless you have a dead crispy body to show … the person can always come back. And even if you do have a crispy body (Carson Beckett) you can still come back.

When is dead not dead? When you are on a SciFi show.

It is with a heavy heart that I say “God speed Don S. Davis.”

I will miss him.