Archive for February 2008

“Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today.
It’s already tomorrow in Australia”
Charles Schultz

Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff.

Wander Muffin – Proper noun – what I call my cat Houdini

Wander Muffin – verb – What Houdini does in the middle of the night on the bed, he wander muffin’s around tromping on human and bed alike.

Wander Muffin.

You would think after working in local government for 10 plus years I’d be able to spell politics right on the 1st try.  You would be mistaken if you thought that.  BUT… that’s not the theme of this post.  Here’s my prediction.

At this point Obama is gaining strength every day and the Hill is loosing it.  1st, she will do EVERYTHING legal or illegal, ethical or unethical to get the Presidency.  She’s got to, she can’t be in the shadow of her husband all her life.  But that’s not my prediction either.  My prediction is that after Hillary looses the 2008 Democrat Primary to Obama, she and Bill will get divorced.  Not right after, but with in 5 years.  Politically neither will have much pull, she can’t win the Big Office and he’s just an aging Playboy.  She won’t need him and he doesn’t want her.  That’s just my prediction.

Why do you have to be a nonconformist like everybody else.
James Thurber

Liberty without learning is always in peril; learning without liberty is always in vain.
John F. Kennedy

WooooooHoooooooooo! Posting from the PDA. Gotta love technology.

I’ve been watching Bone Detectives with Scotty Moore.  It’s on the Discovery Channel. It’s ok.  I would enjoy it tons more if they didn’t try to make it so dramatic.  Last night was a Maya episode.  The content was pretty interesting.  But there was this shot of a slowly spinning ceiling fan and a dripping faucet.  Ok. Dramatic, interesting, but what on God’s green Earth does that have to do with the Maya and archaeology? Nothing and that’s my point.  This show has real potential if they would stop with the melodrama and concentrate on the archaeology and the history of the area.

I’ve been over watching Season 2 now.  I got if form UnBox.  Kind of cool. I still want the DVD’s for the extras.

Anyway, Continuity error.  If you look in the background just before Beverly Barlowe comes to Section 14, you can see the Army guys with the nuke.  It’s not supposed to be in Section 14 yet.  Allison doesn’t authorize the transfer until 2 scenes later, but it’s the same 5 guys, same box on the gator, same formation both before and after the nuke is supposed to get there.

Why do we need to give our cats nicknames?  Or… Why do we feel the need to give our cats more than one name?  I have 8 and every single last one either has more than 1 name or a nickname.  Now some of the names are just variations on the original name. 

Take Irwin for example.  He was named after The Crocodile Hunter.  We call him Irwin, Win-Man, the Winster.

Then we have Houdini.  We call him, Houdini, Houd-Man, Houd-butt, Scraggle Butt (he is allergic to flea bites and licks all the fur off his butt in the summer – which we try to prevent), Scraggs, and Lao Tzu (his eyes slant and when he closes them and looks at you he looks very wise). 

Or Steve.  He’s also named after The Crocodile Hunter and he’s Win’s brother. Steve, Steve-O, Weavie Stevie (he’s got some brain damage from an illness and isn’t alway steady on his feet), The Weave Man.

Sam.  Samuel Q. Kitty, Sammy, Samster, Stinky Sam, Sexy Sam (he’s very sleek and silky), and Plough Kitty (we like Men In Trees).

Earl. I don’t think I’ve ever called her by her given name of Earl.  Earl the Girl, Bubbies, Bubbles, Grubby Bumps (she doesn’t like the other kitties).

So as you can see our kitties have a number of names each.  Is it any wonder they don’t come when called?  Ok, besides the fact that they are cats.