Archive for April 2008

This reminds me of my cat Archimedes.


Woooooooooo Hoooooooooo!  The babies are definitely hatched!  Lucy & Louie were over on the other side of the pond this morning when I went by.  Lucy was seated on the ground and Louie was in watch posture – standing, alert, neck fully extended.

Stitch Pattern Ideas 

Delightful Details – Episode DKNG-612,2046,DIY_18180_43434,00.html

I think the babies have hatched.  Lucy Goosey was standing beside the nest this morning and I thought I saw fuzz.  I don’t know.  She was stilling this evening so I couldn’t see.  So I think Louis & Lucy are finally parents.  I’ll check tomorrow.

As of today Mom Goose is still nesting.  Monday I didn’t have anyone behind me so I was able to stop completely and take a good look.  Monday on the way home I got to see Dad Goose land in the pond.  That was fun. 

Mom is really hard to see when her back is to the road.  And if her head is down… she’s almost impossible to see.  Today Dad was sleeping on the lawn above the pond.  He had a view of everything.  There’s a guy who lives down the street who walks, his black lab down by the pond.  I only see him in the morning… and I can always tell if he’s been by.  If Mom Goose is facing the road, he’s been by, if not.. he hasn’t been yet.  Neither dog or man bother the geese.

I can’t wait to see the babies.

Kitten Time

Isabelle had her kittens on our porch sometimes between 10 pm last night and 10 am this morning.  We haven’t gotten close to her yet to see how many kittens there are.  I’m going to go give her some milk and see if I can get close to the them without upsetting Isabelle.  If she’ll let me I want to check out the babies.  If she won’t… I won’t.  It’s up to her.

On Friday Mom & Dad Goose were doing well.  Mom was on the nest and Dad was just hanging out.  She has a good camoflague going on.  When her back is to the road you can’t really see her.  They really ignore the cars on the road.  But if you slow down Dad will paddle over towards the road.  So as of Friday the chick hadn’t hatched.  I’ll have to do some reach on how long it takes for them to hatch and how long they stay in the nest.

Here are some neat ideas using terra cotta clay pots.

Show – Potted Surprises – Episode DCRJ-613,2499,DIY_24656_50655,00.html
Idea – Clay Bird Bath, Painted Pots and Blooming Napkins, Flowerpot Dirt Dessert, Clay Pot Garden Bell

Here are some cute ideas for throw pillows.

Cushie – Episode DKNG-607,2046,DIY_18180_43429,00.html

Do you want to know more about the whys of cooking?  Good Eats.  I’m watching American Slicer.  It’s a show about knives.  Everything you need to know about knives.  How they are made, cutting boards, how to choose a cutting board, how to choose a knive, why should spent 100 dollars for a knive, how to use the knife and more.  Did Alton Brown cook?  I don’t know, we’re only at the 1st commerical break.  But then again isn’t slicing, chopping or paring part of cooking?  Hmmmmm.  Let’s watch.  This is one of my favorite cooking shows, it’s about the cooking, it’s fun, and it’s educational.