Posts Tagged ‘karma’

Ok.  My Beloved just brought this 2nd point to my attention.

Do you remember back when the Democrats were pushing campaign finance reform?  I don’t disagree with campaign finance reform, but let’s do it for the right reasons, not because we got caught with our hands in the cookie jar.  Anyway…  John McCain was playing right along with the Democrats.  Many of them were singing his praises.  Saying how good and right he was.

What if he’s the Republican nominee?  All he has to do to sway some of the more conservative Democrats (is that an oxymoron?) is play some of those old clips.  And if they Dem’s disagree… they are flip-flopping.  Just food for thought.

Ok.  Here’s a thought on politics. In the Presidential election between Gore & Bush there was a controversy in Florida.  The whole chad incident with pregnant chads and hanging chads and swinging chads (is that a chad that will go which ever way it wants D or R?).  The Democrats tried to steal the election using this kerfuffle.  The Clinton’s were somewhat vocal during this.

Florida has the number 3 spot for the number of delegates.  The National Democrat has disallowed these delegates for the National Convention because they moved the date of their primary from Super Tuesday (2/5/08) until today (1/29/08).  At this moment (2:37 pm EST) Hillary is ahead by 19%.  Wouldn’t it be karmically interesting if that was the number of votes that she needed at the Convention to win the nomination?