No original ideas here!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I seem to be copying all of my girlfriend’s ideas for blogging.  Insert shameless reference to her blog here – Jersey Girl Gets Real

I just read her blog on Thanksgiving and Dylan McDermott would definitely have been welcomed at our Thanksgiving dinners and no, I’ve seen the movie, but it is now on my list.  Don’t know what I’m talking about… go here Thanksgiving.

And we’re walking…

We always went to my Mom’s family for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.  We went to Aunt Dots & Uncle Don’s for one holiday and then to Aunt Rose & Uncle Cliff’s for the other holiday.  And because it wasn’t at our house, it was never a big affair. There was nothing to fix – although Mom did cook a turkey so that we could have leftovers – we just had to drive, eat, come home.

Okay… I just I need to explain the family a little here. My Dad had an adopted brother who passed away while he was in the Navy, so basically my Dad is an only child.  My Mom’s brother passed away when I was very young, I just vaguely remember him, so she is basically an only child.  I am an only child. So we would spend the holiday’s with my maternal grandmother’s sisters and their kids – my cousins.  My maternal grandmother passed away when my mom was in college, and I was in either elementary school or middle school when my maternal grandfather died.  Granddad would go with his 2nd wife’s family for Thanksgiving anyway.   My paternal grandfather passed before I was born, and my paternal grandmother always went with her sister for the holiday.  Grandmom also went to Aunt Gladys’ or Aunt … *insert brain fart here* & Uncle Buddies for Christmas. We would do mom’s side first and then dad’s side 2nd for Christsmas.  Which suited me as a kid – more presents!

So there it is – for Thanksgiving off we would go to Aunt Rose’s.  There was only one little quirk. Aunt Rose, Aunt Dots, & Aunt Ollie liked to clean up.  You didn’t dare put your fork down or it would be whisked away, washed, dried and put away. And of course once you were without a fork, you didn’t need your plate anymore either.  It was almost like camp – EAT and GET OUT! The Aunties wouldn’t sit and eat or at least they would sit for a minute or two and then start clearing the table. If they weren’t clearing the table, they were busy cleaning up from cooking.  Pots, pans and utensils had to be washed BEFORE dishes and silverware.  Or so it seemed.  Mom & Bonnie (my cousin) always thought they should help the Aunties clean up.  Which made the dinner not as enjoyable for them.

And because of the way the 2 houses were set up, there was always and adult table and a kids table.  When we were younger, it was a big thing to be allowed to sit at adult table, clinging to the silverware and plate.  But as we kids got older, it was the adults that wanted to sit at our table. We giggled and talked and had fun.  We were kids after all.  And the older we got, the more we kidded about holding on to our silverware.

Digression – One summer we had my Aunt Rose’s birthday at my Mom & Dad’s house.  As soon at everyone was done – almost before – Aunt Rose got up and started to clean up.  Mom & Bonnie (Aunt Rose’s daughter… my Grandmother’s niece) always fussed with her about cleaning up.  Leave it, they would do it later, don’t worry about the mess, etc, etc.  But on her birthday they decided to not fuss with her and just let her clean up. It was, after all, her birthday.

It’s been a while since we’ve had these Thanksgiving dinners.  We’ve all grown up and moved around the country. The Aunties have all passed away.  I would love to go back and have 1 more dinner with the whole family again.  It was fun. At least for us kids. But maybe… just maybe Susie & Jenny would like to start a new family tradition – Dylan McDermott included.

One Comment

  1. Jersey Girl says:

    No, I think you did pretty damn good. Let me know if Dylan shows up at your place this year. I will drive like the wind to get there!