My David

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My girlfriend Michelle wrote a wonderful blog post on new love –  Jersey Girl Gets Real.  I’m a day early for shameless promoting of her website, but hey… sue me.  No wait – don’t! 

I’ve found the perfect man. Well, the perfect man for me. Granted he’s not actually perfect. But then again – neither am I. His quirks and idiosyncrasies compliment mine.  It took me a long time to find him and he’s all mine.  Once you find your perfect person and the initial rush is over… it’s like putting on your favorite pair of blue jeans.  They are comfortable, fit perfect, and make you feel good.  And when you find your perfect person, you should hang on to them.

It reminds me of a friends of mine.  I dated the husband in high school.  And in college he found his perfect woman. The beginning was a little rocky. He’s wasn’t sure she loved him, but today they are happily married and have 2 beautiful kids. And I got a friend out of it. True love in action. They are an adorable couple.

But this is about My David. He is wonderful to me. He’s loyal, loving and just darned cute.  He’s intelligent and well read.  He’s passionate and most importantly he’s patient with me – which some days I really need. And he treats me like a Princess.  Which is all I really wanted in life.  He understands when I am cranky and usually just ignores that I’m cranky. He tries very hard to make me happy.  And he doesn’t really have to try. He makes me happy. He’s like a warm fuzzy blanket that you wrap around you and you warm and safe and happy.  All he has to do to cheer me up is smile at me or tell me a corny joke.  The sound of his voice lightens my day.  I guess we’re still kind of in a honeymoon type period.  If you haven’t read Michelle’s blog – go do that.

We are silly together. He’s got a bunch of nick names for me and is always singing me silly made up songs. And it always makes me smile.  Don’t get me wrong. There are days that we both get on each other nerves and just don’t get along perfectly. But those days – minutes is more like it – are few and far between. We do argue – but that is also infrequent.   It’s a relationship on built on friendship and trust and silliness.  We are interested in a lot of the same things.  But I’m not expected to like everything he likes, nor is he expect to like the same things as I do.

He accepts me for who I am. I say fat – he says voluptuous. (he just said he spells it T… A… C… I… E… (isn’t he wonderful!)) He never complains when we watch Mythbusters – again. And doesn’t try to change me… I willing change for him, but he doesn’t ask. And he changes for me… I don’t ask.  It is love. True Love.

Oh… and did I mention, he’s a Crazy Cat Man. I adore my David.


  1. K. David says:

    (The preceding was a paid political announcement).

    I’m K. David Katzmire, and I endorse this message.

  2. Jersey Girl says:

    This is very sweet Tacie. You and David make a wonderful couple and I am lucky to have you in my life. I enjoy your blog…and thanks so much for promoting mine again!