I play a game on my iPhone called MyTown. It’s fun, I’m somewhat obessed. I’ve created a file to help those who are at lower knows know what, where and how to create items. It’s a pdf file so everyone should be able to view it. This is obviously a work in process because I haven’t maxed out my levels yet. So as I level up I will update the file.
Archives for 2010
Weekend at Bernie’s
Or an alternative title could be … “It’s been 2 hours, what are we going to eat.”
Every September the Wetland’s Institute has a Wing’s & Water Festival. It’s basically a show case of what the WI does during the year, crafts and food. Food and more food.
Since my work year is busy from January to the middle of July, this is my vacation. I come and spend a couple of days with Mom & Dad and eat. 4 days is usually my limit anymore.
Did I mention food? And that we eat? By nature I am not an early riser. Up between 9 and 10. I’d give old Ben Franklin conniptions. So within 30 seconds of getting up, I’m told what is available for breakfast. Pancakes, Danish or French toast. Normally breakfast for me comes about 2 hours after I get up and is usually a piece of fruit or a yogurt. A big breakfast right after I get up is a bit of a shock. Lunch is promptly at noon. 12:15 at the latest. But I think that’s because of Dad. He eats at 7 or 8 am and gets grumpy when his tummy is empty.
And if you tell Mom you don’t want something (“Would you like some chips?”) I think she assumes she didn’t ask the right question and tries again (Would you like some corn chips?) and again (pretzels?). Same goes for quantity. If you say you want 2 pancakes she will counter with various other numbers (3, 4, etc.) until you (me that is) chose 3 or 4 or get testy.
I’m not surprised. Mom has always liked to feed me & my friends. When my friends would show up at our house, she ALWAYS had something on hand to eat. Or something she could just “throw together.” One of my fondest memories of Mom’s abilities to just whip up a meal was my 21st birthday. There were a group of us going out to dinner, but my friend Dave couldn’t go, but had stopped by. When Mom found out he was hungry, she just whipped him up something quick. Steak dinner. And she apologized for not having enough time to do a baked potato. Yeah, that’s my Mom! The Woman Who Likes to Feed People.
My Mom will never get an award for her cooking (she did get one for her quilting!). But she makes comfort food that is perfect. I love her oatmeal – thick and perfect. And she’s pretty darned good with the tuna steaks too! So bring on the pancakes and slap me down another piece of french toast. I love my Mom and miss her cooking already.
Wet Cat
For the record, wet cats suck. They seem to have an uncontrollable need to dry themselves upon you. Or me that is. Right now it’s raining about 1″ per hour and our stupid four legged friends seem oblivious to this fact. Right now I need to change my t-shirt because I’ve had 3 cats dry themselves on me. The only good news about this is, when wet they don’t smell nearly as bad as dogs. So, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go change into dry clothes.
Hi. My name is Tacie and I’m a klutz.
The town I work in recently redid all the sidewalks and curbs with very nice brick sidewalks and granite curbs. The upgrades look very nice and very historic. However, when the curbs get wet they get slicker then snot covered ice. We’ve had a dry spell lately so the grease and grime and oil have had a chance to build up the curbs.
Enter the monsoon. We are in the middle of almost 24 hours of pretty steady rain. The local creeks and rivers are flooding (the Brandywine Creek is estimated to crest 14 feet over flood stage tomorrow at 3 pm). We had tornado warnings until 7 pm tonight – thank God none appeared. But it hasn’t stopped raining and is predicted to go until at least 1 am. And since weathermen can’t tell what the weather is doing unless their head is out a window (I have a weather cat who is more accurate – but that’s a post for another day) who know when it will end.
Enter the clutz. I was walking from my parking garage to my office when I went tushy over tincups on one of those slicker than snot curbs. I was wearing flip flops and I really went down hard on my left knee and I twisted my right ankle. I just thank God for 2 things – 1 it wasn’t pouring when I went down so I only got slightly wet and 2 my coworker Bob was right behind me. Thank you Bob!!! Make that 3 things… I didn’t rip or tear or soil any of my clothing. Bob helped me up and would have waited and walked up to the office with me, but I shooed him along. After all – it took me quite a while to get to the office and there was no sense on both of us being late!
I did manage to make it all day at the office. I iced my swollen ankle and put a big old band aide on my skinned knee. Which involved walking (limping) down the hall to the ladies room in my barefeet. I wasn’t putting those rotten flip flops back on. And don’tcha know, I ran smack dab into the HR director! But I was with my boss discussing my injuries. What I didn’t realize until I home was how swollen my knee is. WOW! It’s huge. Which explains why it hurts so much and won’t bend much. I must have hit the edge of the curb or something. So here I sit on the couch, ice pack (aka bag of frozen corn) on my left knee and right ankle wrapped in an ace bandage. And it really is an Ace bandage.
Here’s the fun part. We only have 1 bathroom – upstairs. And walking up the stairs is just not fun. Since my left knee doesn’t bend without pain. I’m guess a doctor’s visit is in my very near future if I can’t get the swelling down. Assuming I can get back across the Brandywine. I’ve been upstairs twice tonight. Next time I’m not coming back downstairs. Or I’ve gotta get a port-o-potty down in the living room so I don’t have to keep going up and down. Up is a lot easier than down. I’ve been coming down on my butt.
Thank you BP! I would not have made it into the office today without you. And thanks for checking up on me to make sure I was still alive and kicking. And with that… I gotta use the bathroom – again. And my frozen corn isn’t.
Why am I surprised
20ish years ago (1990 to be approximate)… OMG! I just did the math HOLY CRAP … it WAS over 20 years ago. I’m getting old. But I digress… 20ish years ago, I worked as a job and I used Microsoft Word for DOS. It was a little firm that sold Platinum Accounting Software by IBM (a little unknown foreshadowing?) and it’s where I got my first taste of Microsoft. I was there for a short period of time and I was laid off. Shortly afterwards, I was hired by a small computer firm as the Office Manager and got my hands dirty with Microsoft Windows 3.0. And I knew it inside and out. I still remember the heady days when we upgraded to a 286 and Windows 3.1.
And this is where I learned Word and Excel as well. As Office Manager my duties were as follows: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll, Shipping/Receiving, Purchasing, and the all inclusive – whatever else needed to be done. I learn how to build a PC (long since forgotten), how to install chips without letting the smoke out, how to set up and program Windows, how to use various Microsoft programs, and last but not least – how to use Microsoft without a mouse. I learned keyboard short cuts, and I learned how to teach someone something that I myself was learning as I was teaching. I still kind of miss the Blue Screen of Death … and yes, that is the official IBM name for it.
Fast foreward to the present: what amazes me is the level of funcutionality of my coworkers with a computer. Why I am suprised by this… I’m not sure. Microsoft Word and Excel are two powerful programs. Most people can survive with just those 2 programs. Don’t get me wrong… I don’t mind helping my co-workers with the more “complicated” tasks. I put complicated in quotes because they are easy for me.
I can do most things quite easily. Pivot tables give me headaches, but then again how many basic users even know what a pivot table is? (A pivot table is a data summarization tool found in data visualization programs such as spreadsheets. Among other functions, pivot-table tools can automatically sort, count, and total the data stored in one table or spreadsheet and create a second table (called a “pivot table”) displaying the summarized data.)
But what amazes me about some of my co-workers is their inablity to retain, beyond the basics of a simple letter or basic spreadsheet, the knowledge that I show them. And I mean BASIC – open the program, type, print and that’s really the end. Tab sets, indents, summing, formulas, sorting, etc. etc. elude them. It gets to the point where, after showing them, again, and agaiI get annoyed and tell them to move over – I’m driving. And I know my instance on showing formatting marks annoys them too. I don’t know how anyone can edit a Word document with the formatting marks turned off. Which is the one reason the one lady in my office asks me over and over and over why her document is 2 pages. Formatting characters… she’s hit enter a dozen times at the end of the document creating an extra page. If her formatting characters were visible she’d know the answer. Maybe.
And I don’t know why this continues to amaze/annoy me. Now granted it’s not all of my co-workers. Most of them take very detailed notes and I only show them things once … maybe with a little refresher if it’s been a while. And the funny thing is, if you ask these people “do you know Word?” they automatically answer “yes.”. NO! You don’t. I guess it’s just one of those things that will always annoy me.
Welcome “Behind the Curtain” Part 2
Don’t look for a “Welcome ‘Behind the Curtain’ Part 1” This is a continuation of my girlfriend’s Welcome “Behind the Curtain” from her blog Jersey Girl Gets Real. You should read it. It’s about Rosh Hashanah services. This is about services at my church. Just an average Sunday at Greater Works Ministries.
Growing up going to church meant it was Easter or Christmas. Mom was a Methodist and Dad was Catholic. Grandma Himelright would have loved for me to go to Saint Agnes every Sunday, but neither Mom or Dad were that focused. Dad worked 6 days a week and Sunday was his day off. But when we did go it was very simple, in and out all in about an hour.
Catholics have a very formulated and ritualized service. Everything has a preciously controlled time and way of doing things. There is little variation and the homily is the only “free form” part of the service. And you get a snack (aka communion) at every service – assuming you’ve been to confession. Methodist are a less rigid but still they have a set order to their services. Snacks are once a month. In both you walk to the alter to get communion and the offering plate is passed around by ushers.
In 2003 my Beloved & I bought a house form the Nortons that was the original meeting place of Christ Temple Church. Pop Norton would stop by the house about every 6 months and invite us down to the church. In August 2006 we finally went to a service at Christ Temple, which is now called Greater Works Ministries (GWM). Having never been to a Pentecostal/Apostolic service – it was quite an eye opener. We still go to GWM and here’s how a typical service goes. If you want to see a typical service watch TD Jakes (The Potter’s Touch) on one of the religious channels. Our services are similar – just smaller.
First everyone is either Sister or Brother. Or if they hold a position, Deacon, Elder, Pastor – you use their title. So I am Sister Tacie, which makes me giggle. Service starts at 10:45 – approximately. We sing a song or 2 – normally 1. Then we have a prayer and a scripture reading. This runs about 20 minutes or so. Next we have Praise & Worship (P&W), which is singing. P&W can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the number of songs sung and/or who’s leading P&W. Next comes the sermon… except we don’t call it a sermon. It can last from 20 minutes to an hour and a 1/2 depending on who the speaker is, what the message is and/or how the congregation reacts. Speaking in tongues is not uncommon. Next comes Alter Call (AC). This is when you go to the alter for an individual blessing. This can last 10 minutes to 45 minutes (sometimes more) depending on how many people want a blessing, if everyone is blessed as a group or individually, and if anyone has an issue that is released. Then comes the offering. Most times we have 1 offering, occasionally we have 2. After the offering comes the reading of the upcoming events and other events that we are invited to participate in. Then comes dismissal. Also Pastor Avery doesn’t stand in the back and greet everyone as they leave, because honestly everyone doesn’t just file out of the church after service. We move around in the sanctuary and greet each other, so it’s easier for the Pastor to move around the sanctuary to greet people. Service runs anywhere from and hour and a 1/2 to 3 hours. Sometimes even longer.
Communion and the offering are completely opposite from the Catholic/Methodist way. For the offering you take your money to the alter – which is where the baskets are held. We also don’t use plates – we have baskets. Communion is also backward. Our communion is delivered. And it is given at Pastor’s discretion and at the holiday’s. The Deacon’s and Elders lead the communion and there are a group of ladies that assist. There are special trays that hold the communion wine or grape juice (for the kids or those who don’t want wine) in these cute little cups. First they pass the communion wafer and then they come back with the wine. Pastor or one of the Elders gives the blessing and then we snack and another blessing and we drink. And then the ladies come back around with the trash can.
Speaking in tongues – this is interesting. I wasn’t sure about it – was it real or were people just pretending? Our first visit there was a woman who was speaking in tongues. One of our congregants speaks in tongues on a regular basis. It’s not just a quick babble either. She can go on for quite a while. And no she’s not crazy or demented. She is a very normal employed mother of 3. She is just blessed with the ability to speak this language and prophesize about our church. Knowing the lady that speaks in tongues – yes, it’s real. Her recent message has been interesting. She’s spoken the same message twice. Although I don’t understand the words, the words were the same and the tone was the same.
Another great thing about our church is … most people are related to one another. They are either sisters or brothers or aunt or uncles or grandparent or in-laws or cousins. David & I have been adopted. It is “a come as you are” church. If you wear your best clothes or your old jeans you will be welcomed. It’s prefered, if you can, to have you put on your finest. It’s also realized it’s more important for your butt to be in the pew than what is covering said butt. We have 2 of our senior ladies ALWAYS wear a hat to service. Mother McMillan would not be caught without her hat. And she has some of the COOLEST hats!
When David & I first went to GWM we were greeted like we belonged. It was one of the warmest receptions I’ve received. Remember David & I knew Pop Norton, and vaguely knew his one daughter Catherine. That was it. We felt right at home. This is a credit to our Usher’s. Every guest is greated at the Sanctuary door by an Usher and is escorted to a seat. We have awesome Usher’s. They are very professional and are one of the whole reasons David & I went back to GWM. As a testament to their abilities, they have been asked to help with services at other churches.
From Wikipedia: Pentecostalism is a renewal movement within Christianity that places special emphasis on a direct personal experience of God through the baptism in the Holy Spirit.[1] The term Pentecostal is derived from Pentecost, a Greek term describing the Jewish Feast of Weeks. For Christians, this event commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the followers of Jesus Christ, as described in the second chapter of the Book of Acts.[2] Pentecostals tend to see their movement as reflecting the same kind of spiritual power, worship styles and teachings that were found in the early church. For this reason, some Pentecostals also use the term Apostolic or full gospel to describe their movement.
Stop Already!
Good Lord! I just deleted yet another handful of bogus user id’s. Hello! My blog is STRICKLY controlled by ME! I read all my comments and look at everyone who is requesting an ID. If I don’t know you, guess what – you don’t get access to my blog. I have an extremely small number of people who can post to my blog without me reading the post 1st. And I’m kinda picky about who I let just post randomly to my blog. It’s mine for a reason. It’s my random prattlings.
So to every spammer out there – forgetaboutit. You aren’t turning my blog into a forum for your crap. And have a nice day!
No original ideas here!
I seem to be copying all of my girlfriend’s ideas for blogging. Insert shameless reference to her blog here – Jersey Girl Gets Real
I just read her blog on Thanksgiving and Dylan McDermott would definitely have been welcomed at our Thanksgiving dinners and no, I’ve seen the movie, but it is now on my list. Don’t know what I’m talking about… go here Thanksgiving.
And we’re walking…
We always went to my Mom’s family for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. We went to Aunt Dots & Uncle Don’s for one holiday and then to Aunt Rose & Uncle Cliff’s for the other holiday. And because it wasn’t at our house, it was never a big affair. There was nothing to fix – although Mom did cook a turkey so that we could have leftovers – we just had to drive, eat, come home.
Okay… I just I need to explain the family a little here. My Dad had an adopted brother who passed away while he was in the Navy, so basically my Dad is an only child. My Mom’s brother passed away when I was very young, I just vaguely remember him, so she is basically an only child. I am an only child. So we would spend the holiday’s with my maternal grandmother’s sisters and their kids – my cousins. My maternal grandmother passed away when my mom was in college, and I was in either elementary school or middle school when my maternal grandfather died. Granddad would go with his 2nd wife’s family for Thanksgiving anyway. My paternal grandfather passed before I was born, and my paternal grandmother always went with her sister for the holiday. Grandmom also went to Aunt Gladys’ or Aunt … *insert brain fart here* & Uncle Buddies for Christmas. We would do mom’s side first and then dad’s side 2nd for Christsmas. Which suited me as a kid – more presents!
So there it is – for Thanksgiving off we would go to Aunt Rose’s. There was only one little quirk. Aunt Rose, Aunt Dots, & Aunt Ollie liked to clean up. You didn’t dare put your fork down or it would be whisked away, washed, dried and put away. And of course once you were without a fork, you didn’t need your plate anymore either. It was almost like camp – EAT and GET OUT! The Aunties wouldn’t sit and eat or at least they would sit for a minute or two and then start clearing the table. If they weren’t clearing the table, they were busy cleaning up from cooking. Pots, pans and utensils had to be washed BEFORE dishes and silverware. Or so it seemed. Mom & Bonnie (my cousin) always thought they should help the Aunties clean up. Which made the dinner not as enjoyable for them.
And because of the way the 2 houses were set up, there was always and adult table and a kids table. When we were younger, it was a big thing to be allowed to sit at adult table, clinging to the silverware and plate. But as we kids got older, it was the adults that wanted to sit at our table. We giggled and talked and had fun. We were kids after all. And the older we got, the more we kidded about holding on to our silverware.
Digression – One summer we had my Aunt Rose’s birthday at my Mom & Dad’s house. As soon at everyone was done – almost before – Aunt Rose got up and started to clean up. Mom & Bonnie (Aunt Rose’s daughter… my Grandmother’s niece) always fussed with her about cleaning up. Leave it, they would do it later, don’t worry about the mess, etc, etc. But on her birthday they decided to not fuss with her and just let her clean up. It was, after all, her birthday.
It’s been a while since we’ve had these Thanksgiving dinners. We’ve all grown up and moved around the country. The Aunties have all passed away. I would love to go back and have 1 more dinner with the whole family again. It was fun. At least for us kids. But maybe… just maybe Susie & Jenny would like to start a new family tradition – Dylan McDermott included.
Just because Michelle asked
My girlfriend just won an award for her blog… Jersey Girl Gets Real. Very cool! And she posted some questions that all I have to do is answer them and pass them on to 6 others and I could get the award too. Welllllll… I’ll do 1/2 of it. So here we go.
1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?
Crazy Cat Lady (CCL) says: Since I am blogging on my website as opposed to a blogging website – anonymous really wasn’t ever an option.
2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side.
CCL says: Hmmmmmmmmm…. I guess my procrastination on my current project at work. It’s a yearly thing and it’s just a pain to do and I really don’t want to do it, so I procrastinate.
3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the face in the mirror?
CCL says: Someone who’s tired and should take better care of herself but still has alot of life to live. (snarked directly from Michelle). And someone who needs to brush her hair… again.
4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?
CCL says: A nice glass of fresh squeezed lemonade – not too sweet, not to tart.
5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?
CCL says: Knit, read, make a piece of jewelry. Or maybe some tv. Ohhhh… don’t forget word puzzles. I like them too.
6. Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?
CCL says: I don’t really know, Finish the remodel on my house. Other than that, I’m pretty content with my lot in life.
7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever, the class shy person, or always ditching school? Describe who you were if not one of these.
CCL says: I wasn’t shy, I wasn’t the clown. By my senior year I was always missing the 1st period of the day – I mean, come on, it was gym! I wasn’t an overachiever either. I did what I needed to get by.
8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment in your life, what do you see?
CCL says: My Beloved and me just lounging in bed being silly and giggling and enjoying each other’s company.
9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?
CCL says: My blog has a lot of TV, movie and other quotes. But the things I’ve written are actually about me and my life. So I guess that means it’s easy to share.
10. If you had the choice to sit and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?
CCL says: Definitely read. I’m an only child and I was raised knowing how to entertain myself. Plus reading can take you to many different places.
There … done. =)
My David
My girlfriend Michelle wrote a wonderful blog post on new love – Jersey Girl Gets Real. I’m a day early for shameless promoting of her website, but hey… sue me. No wait – don’t!
I’ve found the perfect man. Well, the perfect man for me. Granted he’s not actually perfect. But then again – neither am I. His quirks and idiosyncrasies compliment mine. It took me a long time to find him and he’s all mine. Once you find your perfect person and the initial rush is over… it’s like putting on your favorite pair of blue jeans. They are comfortable, fit perfect, and make you feel good. And when you find your perfect person, you should hang on to them.
It reminds me of a friends of mine. I dated the husband in high school. And in college he found his perfect woman. The beginning was a little rocky. He’s wasn’t sure she loved him, but today they are happily married and have 2 beautiful kids. And I got a friend out of it. True love in action. They are an adorable couple.
But this is about My David. He is wonderful to me. He’s loyal, loving and just darned cute. He’s intelligent and well read. He’s passionate and most importantly he’s patient with me – which some days I really need. And he treats me like a Princess. Which is all I really wanted in life. He understands when I am cranky and usually just ignores that I’m cranky. He tries very hard to make me happy. And he doesn’t really have to try. He makes me happy. He’s like a warm fuzzy blanket that you wrap around you and you warm and safe and happy. All he has to do to cheer me up is smile at me or tell me a corny joke. The sound of his voice lightens my day. I guess we’re still kind of in a honeymoon type period. If you haven’t read Michelle’s blog – go do that.
We are silly together. He’s got a bunch of nick names for me and is always singing me silly made up songs. And it always makes me smile. Don’t get me wrong. There are days that we both get on each other nerves and just don’t get along perfectly. But those days – minutes is more like it – are few and far between. We do argue – but that is also infrequent. It’s a relationship on built on friendship and trust and silliness. We are interested in a lot of the same things. But I’m not expected to like everything he likes, nor is he expect to like the same things as I do.
He accepts me for who I am. I say fat – he says voluptuous. (he just said he spells it T… A… C… I… E… (isn’t he wonderful!)) He never complains when we watch Mythbusters – again. And doesn’t try to change me… I willing change for him, but he doesn’t ask. And he changes for me… I don’t ask. It is love. True Love.
Oh… and did I mention, he’s a Crazy Cat Man. I adore my David.