Archive for August 2010

I seem to be copying all of my girlfriend’s ideas for blogging.  Insert shameless reference to her blog here – Jersey Girl Gets Real

I just read her blog on Thanksgiving and Dylan McDermott would definitely have been welcomed at our Thanksgiving dinners and no, I’ve seen the movie, but it is now on my list.  Don’t know what I’m talking about… go here Thanksgiving.

And we’re walking…

We always went to my Mom’s family for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.  We went to Aunt Dots & Uncle Don’s for one holiday and then to Aunt Rose & Uncle Cliff’s for the other holiday.  And because it wasn’t at our house, it was never a big affair. There was nothing to fix – although Mom did cook a turkey so that we could have leftovers – we just had to drive, eat, come home.

Okay… I just I need to explain the family a little here. My Dad had an adopted brother who passed away while he was in the Navy, so basically my Dad is an only child.  My Mom’s brother passed away when I was very young, I just vaguely remember him, so she is basically an only child.  I am an only child. So we would spend the holiday’s with my maternal grandmother’s sisters and their kids – my cousins.  My maternal grandmother passed away when my mom was in college, and I was in either elementary school or middle school when my maternal grandfather died.  Granddad would go with his 2nd wife’s family for Thanksgiving anyway.   My paternal grandfather passed before I was born, and my paternal grandmother always went with her sister for the holiday.  Grandmom also went to Aunt Gladys’ or Aunt … *insert brain fart here* & Uncle Buddies for Christmas. We would do mom’s side first and then dad’s side 2nd for Christsmas.  Which suited me as a kid – more presents!

So there it is – for Thanksgiving off we would go to Aunt Rose’s.  There was only one little quirk. Aunt Rose, Aunt Dots, & Aunt Ollie liked to clean up.  You didn’t dare put your fork down or it would be whisked away, washed, dried and put away. And of course once you were without a fork, you didn’t need your plate anymore either.  It was almost like camp – EAT and GET OUT! The Aunties wouldn’t sit and eat or at least they would sit for a minute or two and then start clearing the table. If they weren’t clearing the table, they were busy cleaning up from cooking.  Pots, pans and utensils had to be washed BEFORE dishes and silverware.  Or so it seemed.  Mom & Bonnie (my cousin) always thought they should help the Aunties clean up.  Which made the dinner not as enjoyable for them.

And because of the way the 2 houses were set up, there was always and adult table and a kids table.  When we were younger, it was a big thing to be allowed to sit at adult table, clinging to the silverware and plate.  But as we kids got older, it was the adults that wanted to sit at our table. We giggled and talked and had fun.  We were kids after all.  And the older we got, the more we kidded about holding on to our silverware.

Digression – One summer we had my Aunt Rose’s birthday at my Mom & Dad’s house.  As soon at everyone was done – almost before – Aunt Rose got up and started to clean up.  Mom & Bonnie (Aunt Rose’s daughter… my Grandmother’s niece) always fussed with her about cleaning up.  Leave it, they would do it later, don’t worry about the mess, etc, etc.  But on her birthday they decided to not fuss with her and just let her clean up. It was, after all, her birthday.

It’s been a while since we’ve had these Thanksgiving dinners.  We’ve all grown up and moved around the country. The Aunties have all passed away.  I would love to go back and have 1 more dinner with the whole family again.  It was fun. At least for us kids. But maybe… just maybe Susie & Jenny would like to start a new family tradition – Dylan McDermott included.

My girlfriend just won an award for her blog… Jersey Girl Gets Real.  Very cool!  And she posted some questions that all I have to do is answer them and pass them on to 6 others and I could get the award too.  Welllllll… I’ll do 1/2 of it.  So here we go.

1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now? 

Crazy Cat Lady (CCL) says: Since I am blogging on my website as opposed to a blogging website – anonymous really wasn’t ever an option.

 2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side.

CCL says: Hmmmmmmmmm…. I guess my procrastination on my current project at work. It’s a yearly thing and it’s just a pain to do and I really don’t want to do it, so I procrastinate.

 3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the face in the mirror?

 CCL says: Someone who’s tired and should take better care of herself but still has alot of life to live. (snarked directly from Michelle). And someone who needs to brush her hair… again.

4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?

CCL says: A nice glass of fresh squeezed lemonade – not too sweet, not to tart.

5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?

CCL says: Knit, read, make a piece of jewelry.  Or maybe some tv. Ohhhh… don’t forget word puzzles. I like them too.

6. Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?

CCL says: I don’t really know, Finish the remodel on my house. Other than that, I’m pretty content with my lot in life.

7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever, the class shy person, or always ditching school? Describe who you were if not one of these.

CCL says: I wasn’t shy, I wasn’t the clown. By my senior year I was always missing the 1st period of the day – I mean, come on, it was gym!  I wasn’t an overachiever either.  I did what I needed to get by.

8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment in your life, what do you see?

CCL says: My Beloved and me just lounging in bed being silly and giggling and enjoying each other’s company.

9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?

CCL says: My blog has a lot of TV, movie and other quotes. But the things I’ve written are actually about me and my life. So I guess that means it’s easy to share.

10. If you had the choice to sit and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?

CCL says: Definitely read.  I’m an only child and I was raised knowing how to entertain myself. Plus reading can take you to many different places.

There … done.  =)

My girlfriend Michelle wrote a wonderful blog post on new love –  Jersey Girl Gets Real.  I’m a day early for shameless promoting of her website, but hey… sue me.  No wait – don’t! 

I’ve found the perfect man. Well, the perfect man for me. Granted he’s not actually perfect. But then again – neither am I. His quirks and idiosyncrasies compliment mine.  It took me a long time to find him and he’s all mine.  Once you find your perfect person and the initial rush is over… it’s like putting on your favorite pair of blue jeans.  They are comfortable, fit perfect, and make you feel good.  And when you find your perfect person, you should hang on to them.

It reminds me of a friends of mine.  I dated the husband in high school.  And in college he found his perfect woman. The beginning was a little rocky. He’s wasn’t sure she loved him, but today they are happily married and have 2 beautiful kids. And I got a friend out of it. True love in action. They are an adorable couple.

But this is about My David. He is wonderful to me. He’s loyal, loving and just darned cute.  He’s intelligent and well read.  He’s passionate and most importantly he’s patient with me – which some days I really need. And he treats me like a Princess.  Which is all I really wanted in life.  He understands when I am cranky and usually just ignores that I’m cranky. He tries very hard to make me happy.  And he doesn’t really have to try. He makes me happy. He’s like a warm fuzzy blanket that you wrap around you and you warm and safe and happy.  All he has to do to cheer me up is smile at me or tell me a corny joke.  The sound of his voice lightens my day.  I guess we’re still kind of in a honeymoon type period.  If you haven’t read Michelle’s blog – go do that.

We are silly together. He’s got a bunch of nick names for me and is always singing me silly made up songs. And it always makes me smile.  Don’t get me wrong. There are days that we both get on each other nerves and just don’t get along perfectly. But those days – minutes is more like it – are few and far between. We do argue – but that is also infrequent.   It’s a relationship on built on friendship and trust and silliness.  We are interested in a lot of the same things.  But I’m not expected to like everything he likes, nor is he expect to like the same things as I do.

He accepts me for who I am. I say fat – he says voluptuous. (he just said he spells it T… A… C… I… E… (isn’t he wonderful!)) He never complains when we watch Mythbusters – again. And doesn’t try to change me… I willing change for him, but he doesn’t ask. And he changes for me… I don’t ask.  It is love. True Love.

Oh… and did I mention, he’s a Crazy Cat Man. I adore my David.

A one sided point of view from an only child outsider.

*stepping up on soap box & clearing throat*

Have you Ladies actually stopped to read what your sister is writing on her blog Jersey Girl Gets Real and FB? or are you so self absorbed to think that everything is either crude or a snipe at you? More often than not she’s poking fun at herself. (Yes, I did spell check)

Remember this Internet thing is like the TV …. it’s always there, always on, but you DO have an off button. And just because she is the youngest, you are all adults now, she doesn’t have to ask permission or do as you say anymore.  She is entitled to her opinion just as you are – get over it. And get over the fact that she isn’t a stuffed shirt and voices those opinions. If you don’t like it – use the off button. If you are jealous – open your MOUTH to do something other than snipe at M. Write a witty and amusing come back.

Have you actually read the blog? Guess what. It’s about her! Not you, sorry. Wait, retract the sorry. Have you read the entry on loyalty? No? Well, put your precious egos aside and read it. Guess what – she loves you and is disappointed in you! Instead over growing closer as you older – sharing the joys and sorrows of husbands, kids and life – you aren’t. This is her way of expressing HER disappointment in that drifting apart. Again. It’s all about her – not you.

Life isn’t fair. Get over it.

a) M is the baby by a number of years. Of course your Mother & Father doted on her. Of course she seemed to be the favorite She is the BABY! Get over it. It’s life.

b) Of course your Mother talks about M all the time. They are neighbors and M can watch TV with Mom without leaving HER house. Get over it. If you want that same relationship with Mom, buy the house next door to Mom. Put up or shhhhhhhhhh.

As the one character on Eureka says, ” Jealous much?” Instead of celebrating your sister’s intelligence and wit, you seem to be threatened by it. Read between the lines Ladies and realize how big a part of who she has become has been shaped by you. But M’s life isn’t about you. I hate to smoosh your ego’s like this, but M’s life is about M.

Point – you sister is outspoken. She shares much of her life with the world. There are many of us enjoy her for what & who she is. We get our Daily Dose of Michelle and love it.  Get over it.

Point – what she writes is her point of view and opinion. She IS entitled to both, just as you are. Get over it. And hey, if you are as intelligent as she says, come up with a witty come back. Start your own blog and do what she is doing – making us, laugh & smile – or get over it.

Point. Proximity makes her Mom’s favorite by default. Get over it or move.

Point. She IS your sister. For all her good points and all her bad points she loves you very much. Get over it and love her for who she is.

Point. The past is gone. Don’t let it ruin the present or the future. Life is just way to short. No one gets out alive. And karma is a bigger bitch than any of us. Get over it. Move on. And embrace and love each over for who you are. Enjoy each other’s differences and laugh at each other’s quirks. And be thankful you HAVE a sister at all.  If you don’t want her – I’ve got room in my family for her.

*stepping of soapbox*

The good news about the wonderfully cool weather we are having is we can open the windows so the cats can come and go as the please.  Which means we don’t have to get up every 2 seconds to let a cat in the window or open the window above the bed all night long as cats come & go.  David has taught them if they bang at the window – no matter what time of day or night – we will let them in.

But the bad news is with the windows open, and the screens up, the FLIES get in too! God they are annoying.  Because there’s nothing for them to eat, they like to land on me, the computer, the sleeping cats. And they tickle.  So  here I sit, with my can of Raid Flying Insect killer zapping away.  And it smells a bit like tart apples, so it’s not completely unpleasant.

And I’m somewhat annoyed at this group of cats.  Flies are the ULTIMATE toy/treat.  I had a cat that used to chase flies, play them to death and then eat them.  Toy and then treat.  This group can’t seem to be bothered.  They are just too lazy! We should stop feeding them for a week or two. Then they’d be thrilled to have a nice bit of juice fly.

That’s my whine of the day – Flies. Not dead enough for me.

I love Facebook. It’s brought me into contact with people all over the world. I’ve reconnected with friends from high school and I’ve made become better friends with some folks from high school (one has a hysterical blog – you should read it (just another shameless plug for Michelle)). I’ve even spoken too some of the gang over the phone. I’ve been invited to visit a number of my on-line friends – in New Jersey, Idaho, Biloxi & even Australia.  And eventually I will get to meet all these fun folks face to face.

My one girlfriend lives… not too far way, but just far away that I can’t just pop up after work. Plus it’s up 202 and that would just suck.  She introduced me to Bob B. Bob B. is a chemist and a civil war re-enactor (Pa 6th –  Bob promptly added me to his e-mail list and I have been wonderfully amused ever since.  Bob is great.  Mare is great for introducing me – and for lotsa other reasons too.

One day last year, after laughing at each other through e-mail, we decided to get together after work and have dinner.  Me, Bob B., Bob U., Mare, and Anthony had dinner in King of Prussia because it was central to where most of us lived and worked.  Granted I knew Mare and Mare & Anthony knew most of us, the Bob’s & I had never met.  We had a great time and it was wonderful putting real faces with voices.  Our 2 hour dinner went by really quickly and we decided we should do it again – soon.

I play on-line games and one of my friends and I decided, while his girlfriend was in town, the 4 of us should meet for lunch.  The ONLY problem with that is he is 2 hours (ish) south of me.  So we decided we should met 1/2 way in Baltimore.  It was so much fun. Law, Mynx, David & I got along great.  It went by way too fast.  Again 3 hours seem like 30 minutes.  Of course David & I got totally lost in Baltimore on the way home – but thank God for the iPhone maps. It was a fun, fun day and we had Dairy Queen to make it that much sweeter.

After talking with Ant, Mare & Bob through e-mail for a couple of days we decided it was time for another group get together. We decided to do lunch this time.  The date was picked, but where to eat.  Since King of Prussia is central to where we all live, we decided to go back there.  It only took 3 dozen e-mail and a coin toss to decide on Chili’s.  This time Bob U. couldn’t come. But my David was able to join in the fun.  So we all met at Chili’s at 1 pm. After a good lunch with free chips and queso (check out my photos) we figured it was about 4 pm and we might want to get going.  This new server came up and asked if we were staying for dinner.  It was actually 6 pm!  We had talked for 5 hours. We outlasted the table next to us – 3 times – and even outlasted out server.  WOW!!! Time flies when you have good friends to talk to.  So after another almost hour – I really think all of our clocks were wrong – we vacated the table and went home – still stuffed.  Chili’s was remarkable tolerant of our sitting there for that long.

So to all my FB friend who have invited me for lunch, a weekend or even longer. I’ll be there – eventually.  And for anyone who is considering getting a group of FB friends together for a meal. GO! DO IT! and enjoy!

Ok. 95% of my blog are quotes and pieces that I’ve grabbed from the internet.  They are great bits of information that I find amusing and read from time to time.

But, I have a facebook girlfriend who recently got a blog, Jersey Girl Gets Real, and has written great posts.  (Read her blog here – So she’s kind of shamed me into doing more blogging myself.  I don’t think mine will be as amusing as hers, but hopefully they will be marginally acceptable.  We’ll see.

So Michelle… thank you for giving me the kick in the behind.

I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of taking off my shirt

One Week, Barenaked Ladies