Cats & Nicknames

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why do we need to give our cats nicknames?  Or… Why do we feel the need to give our cats more than one name?  I have 8 and every single last one either has more than 1 name or a nickname.  Now some of the names are just variations on the original name. 

Take Irwin for example.  He was named after The Crocodile Hunter.  We call him Irwin, Win-Man, the Winster.

Then we have Houdini.  We call him, Houdini, Houd-Man, Houd-butt, Scraggle Butt (he is allergic to flea bites and licks all the fur off his butt in the summer – which we try to prevent), Scraggs, and Lao Tzu (his eyes slant and when he closes them and looks at you he looks very wise). 

Or Steve.  He’s also named after The Crocodile Hunter and he’s Win’s brother. Steve, Steve-O, Weavie Stevie (he’s got some brain damage from an illness and isn’t alway steady on his feet), The Weave Man.

Sam.  Samuel Q. Kitty, Sammy, Samster, Stinky Sam, Sexy Sam (he’s very sleek and silky), and Plough Kitty (we like Men In Trees).

Earl. I don’t think I’ve ever called her by her given name of Earl.  Earl the Girl, Bubbies, Bubbles, Grubby Bumps (she doesn’t like the other kitties).

So as you can see our kitties have a number of names each.  Is it any wonder they don’t come when called?  Ok, besides the fact that they are cats.