Archive for January 2008

Making the bed or
Cats and Other Household Pests

For those of us who have cats you’ll understand this next story.  Let’s start with my Beloved.  David is a messy sleeper.  He’s active and when he gets up in the morning the covers are in complete disarray.  He likes to stick his feet off the end of the bed, which untucks the sheets helping to cause said disarray.  Me, I’m the opposite.  I can get into bed, sleep all night and wake up the next morning, get out of bed and barely move the covers.  I don’t like my feet stuck out.  The bellsnickle will get my toes.  It’s not a good thing.

Needless to say, we have to remake the bed every day.  Well, I have to remake the bed everyday.  I like tidy covers.  David doesn’t care.  But he loves me, so he helps me remake the bed.  Well tonight my Archimedes was in full blown play mode.  Those of you who have cats know what is coming next.  Everything was a toy.  My toes, fingers, my shirt… everything.  So I pulled the blankets and quilts off the bed and left the sheet and Archimedes on the bed.  Getting the bedding off the bed was a treat.  Everytime I would pull one piece off, Archimedes would jump on it and ride it to the end of the bed, biting at the covers.  And then try to bite at my fingers as I pulled him off the covers.  I tried to get Archi off the bed… but it was like trying to keep a piece of styrofoam at the bottom of a pool.  Not happening.

Archimedes & the Sheet.  So… I pulled up the sheet and the cat, because… well, I would have had more luck stopping a nuclear reaction than getting Archimedes to stop helping me make the bed.  Archimedes grabbed and bit and kicked and just generally had a whopping good time as I tried to pull the sheets up to the pillow.  He managed to get under the sheet at one point.  Every little move of the sheet was another joyful grab from under the sheet.  Paws & Claws and Teeth.  Finally… step 1 complete.   Next came the small comforter.  And more play.  Archi just had a blast.  Sliding under the comforter, grabbing my fingers, biting my fingers, biting the comforter, just more general cat fun.  So much fun.  And the of course, when the comforter stopped moving for a minute… out popped the little black furry head with the look of, “Hey, I’m not done playing here! Keep going.”

Well 3 throw blankets, 2 quilts, a down blanket and 15 minutes later… the bed is finally made.  With one rather large lump dead smack in the center.  I guess I could have made it easier if I didn’t trace some circles on the bed with my hand.  But Arhicmedes was having so much fun.  So all of you out there who have a cat and have made a bed… you know what I’m talking about.  You know how much fun the cats have with making the bed.

And that was that little adventure.

Ok.  My Beloved just brought this 2nd point to my attention.

Do you remember back when the Democrats were pushing campaign finance reform?  I don’t disagree with campaign finance reform, but let’s do it for the right reasons, not because we got caught with our hands in the cookie jar.  Anyway…  John McCain was playing right along with the Democrats.  Many of them were singing his praises.  Saying how good and right he was.

What if he’s the Republican nominee?  All he has to do to sway some of the more conservative Democrats (is that an oxymoron?) is play some of those old clips.  And if they Dem’s disagree… they are flip-flopping.  Just food for thought.

A Republican cowboy from Texas goes to a social function where Hillary Clinton is trying to gather more support for her nomination. Once she discovers the cowboy is a Republican, she starts to belittle him by talking in a southern drawl and single syllable words.

As she was doing that, she kept swatting at some flies that were buzzing around her head. The cowboy says, “Y’all havin’ some problem with them circle flies?”

She stopped talking and said, “Well yes, if that’s what they’re called. But I’ve never heard of circle flies.”

“Well ma’am,” the cowboy replies, “circle flies hang around ranches. They’re called circle flies because they’re almost always found circling around the back end of a horse.”

“Oh,” Hillary replies as she goes back to rambling. But, a moment later she stops and bluntly asks, “Are you calling me a horse’s ass?”

“No, ma’am,” the cowboy replies, “I have too much respect for citizens of New York to call their Senator a horse’s ass.”

“That’s a good thing,” she responds and begins rambling on once more.

After a long pause, the cowboy, in his best Texas drawl says, . . . “Hard to fool them flies though!”

Ok.  Here’s a thought on politics. In the Presidential election between Gore & Bush there was a controversy in Florida.  The whole chad incident with pregnant chads and hanging chads and swinging chads (is that a chad that will go which ever way it wants D or R?).  The Democrats tried to steal the election using this kerfuffle.  The Clinton’s were somewhat vocal during this.

Florida has the number 3 spot for the number of delegates.  The National Democrat has disallowed these delegates for the National Convention because they moved the date of their primary from Super Tuesday (2/5/08) until today (1/29/08).  At this moment (2:37 pm EST) Hillary is ahead by 19%.  Wouldn’t it be karmically interesting if that was the number of votes that she needed at the Convention to win the nomination?

He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.
Horace, poet and satirist (65-8 BCE)

Dr. Daniel Jackson: False god.  Dead, false god.
Teal’c: Your words cannot change the truth.
Daniel : They’re not my words, Teal’c, they’re yours.  Of course, you were wrong at the time because he wasn’t…actually dead.  But that’s neither here not there…

Colonel Jack O’Neill (frustrated): What are you doing here?
Dr. Jay Felger: Stand easy, we’re here to rescue you. [Felger grins.]
Major Samantha Carter: Did he say we?
Felger: That’s right. I have Coombs with me.
[Coombs appears in the vent.]
Dr. Simon Coombs: Hi.
Jack: (sarcastically) Why, look everybody, he’s got Coombs with him.

Colonel Jack O’Neill: Carter, be honest. The resumé gag…?
Teal’c: It needs work, O’Neill.

Monk: I cannot teach you what you already know.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Oh, I don’t think I know as much as you think I know.

Dr. Daniel Jackson: Jack, the markings on the wall are a language. It’s a Bible. Uh, no, actually it’s more of a instruction book on how to reach this ethereal plane of existence, some kind of other world. It’s only natural the Jaffa who found this place would have interpreted it as passage to the afterlife.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Whoa, slow down there Grasshopper.
Daniel : Ok, I’m pretty sure this place was built by an alien race a millennia ago. They may have even visited Earth and inspired the mythologies surrounding the concept of Mother Nature in various cultures.
Jack: So this guy’s an alien?
Daniel: No. Um, I’m pretty sure the aliens discovered a means by which they could ascend to some higher plane of existence and went there…uh, wherever there is. But they left their writings in a shrine as a kind of map for others who wanted to follow them. The Monk is someone who has taken up curatorship.
Jack: Kind of janitor?
Daniel: More of a guide.
Jack: An usher?