
Thursday, March 24, 2016

I realized that in my tale telling last week the entirety of David’s (My Beloved, My Darling) involvement was reduced to … “So off the ER David & I go.” and everyone else got thank you’s.   For those of you who are completely lost as to why I was off to the ER, e-mail me and I’ll catch you up.

“So off the ER David & I go.  One little sentence involved so much more –  such as picking me up off the floor and hopping me 20 feet across the front yard.  Did I mention the front yard slops uphill?  On a normal day hopping 20 feet across the front yard would be challenging.  That was not a good day.  He was with me most of day in the hospital – only leaving when the staff kicked him out of the room.

He’s the one who kicked me out of the house – which is a good thing because stair and I aren’t on friendly terms yet.  (ok… kicked is harsh, suggested in very strong terms I should stay with mom until I can walk)  He’s my cheerleader.  He’s been silly on the days that I need silly.  He’s my rock.  He’s driven all over Chester & Lancaster counties for me.   And not least of all … he’s in charge of the cats until I can get home to help.

“So off the ER David & I go.  I almost completely neglected him.  He is a most wonderful and caring husband and I am very blessed that his is mine.

This time next week I will have the answer to the question… “What’s up Doc?”