The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Happy Thursday! 

Today was the a follow up doctor’s  … Now that I think about it … I don’t think I’ve ever seen that movie. Sorry… off topic (again).

Today was the a follow up doctor’s appointment.  And we had some good news, some not so good news and some “get out your video camera people” news.

The Good:  Me!  I am healing nicely and I was told I am being a good patient!  How about that?  I am trying to be positive and do as the Doctors say.  David looked at the x-rays and said the Mona Lisa doesn’t look any better than they do.  I think he’s exaggerating just a bit.  The PA is pleased with my progress and the shattered bone is knitting (of course my bones knit!) back together.  Also my night brace was approved (I’ve only been wearing it for 2 weeks) as long as I don’t try to walk in it.  Girl Scouts Honor – it’s only for sleeping aaaaaannnnd maybe lounging about the house.  No weight bearing.

The Bad: I’m just over half way into this.  I have at least 4 more weeks of scootering about.  But I can start to put weight on my foot 25% for 2 weeks graduating up to 50% – as long as it is in the boot.  Then in 4 weeks another round of x-ray’s and assuming all is healing as it currently is then we begin physical therapy.  So I’m looking at probably 6 to 8 more weeks of scooter & boot.  The doctors are being very conservative and this seems to be taking forever because of the shattered bone.

The Ugly: Me on crutches!  Ok maybe not ugly, but giraffe on roller skates does come to mind.  I need to be slightly more car friendly on 4/26 (the PA Primary Election) so I got crutches today.  I will need a lot of practice between now and then.  Get out your video cameras … this might just go viral.

And finally surgery to remove the pin.  PA Cutie Pie called the pin by its technical name.  Yeah, ummm the big pin is what we will call it.  That’s a good news type thing.  It has to be in place 12 weeks.  Ok we are 11 weeks from when the placed it in my person.  Only one more week and it can come out.  Which isn’t really convenient time wise for me.  No problem, it can stay in until after I can walk again.  As a matter of fact some doctors never remove the pins unless they break.  Ummm, break?  Isn’t that what started this whole mess – a break? Thank God that’s not the philosophy of this office – they like to remove the pins while they are still intact.  I like that too.

So that’s the news from Lake Woebeme.  It’s not all great, but it’s all good and I am moving forward.  So watch out for your toes!
