The Side Quest – Operation IMA Liberation

Monday, August 9, 2021
The Search for Bubbles
The Side Quest – Operation IMA Liberation
Hero’s Journal Bubbles Fan FICTION
This is a work of fiction. It is entirely a product of my imagination. Well, other than the people. The places are mostly real. However, the circumstanced are entirely FICTIONAL. And time is an illusion.
The box truck pulled into the Wendy’s parking lot.
“I thought you were kidding,” Angela said.
“Nope.” Tacie replied. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Getting Frosties,” Angela replied. “We got you a vanilla.”
The Bubbles Raider came out of the Wendy’s near the port carrying an assortment of bags and cups.
“We thought we should eat first,” LL said.
The Bubbles Raiders sat down at a picnic bench and spread out a map. The map showed the location of all the cargo containers at the port.
“Which one are we looking for?” Cheyenne asked.
Skye consulted a piece of paper. “Container 808. But there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to the placement! They seem to be random.”
“We can find it,” said LL confidently. “Let get at it.”
The Bubbles Raiders studied the map as they ate, looking for the right container. “AH-HA!” Angela said triumphantly. “It’s in section 6, row 1.”
“I miss Mirjam,” Cheyenne said.
They all nodded. Mirjam had to go back home to finish up her work and take her final tests. “She’s with us in spirit,” Skye said.
“Becky, Heather and Tonya are meeting us in the parking lot of the port,” Tacie said
“And Melissa & Ilissa have bail money ready,” Cheyenne giggled.
“Everyone ready?” Tacie asked. The Bubbles Raiders all nodded and said yes. “Let’s go liberate some journals.”
They all hopped in the box truck and headed to the port.
“Wait!” Angela exclaimed. “How are we going to move over 3,000 journals?”
“No problem,” Tacie said. “I’ve got a forklift in the back.”
When they got to the port, the stopped at the gate.
“Paperwork,” a bored guard said.
Tacie handed the guard and packet of papers and waited. Now the would see how good the Bubbles Raiders skills in document creation were.
The guard handed the papers back. “Container 808, 6th section, Row 1,” he said in the same bored voice.
“The car behind me is with us to help,” Tacie said. The guard looked suspicious. “We are just girls,” Tacie said in her most vapid voice sounding like a complete airhead.
“Go on,” the guard said gruffly.
The Bubbles Raider drove to section 6, row 1 and hopped out. “That is a lot of containers!” LL said.
“I hope its on the bottom,” Skye chimed in
“Let’s find it and get out before they realize we aren’t really the trucking company,” Angela said.
“Won’t the guys be surprised when we show up with a truck full of journals,” Heather said.
The Bubbles Raiders fanned out looking for the right container.
After a short time, Becky called out, “Over here! And we’re in luck. It’s on the bottom.”
Tacie pulled the truck up to the container and unloaded the forklift, while Tonya opened the container.
“That’s a lot of journals!” they all said at once. And then giggled.
“Let’s get at it!” Tacie said.
The Bubbles Raiders loaded the truck with the journals and the forklift.
“We will see you at the HJ warehouse,” Tonya said as she, Heather and Becky climbed into the car.
“Ready, ladies?” Tacie asked.
“Let’s go surprise the Lads,” LL said.
When the Bubbles Raider pulled up to the warehouse Nick, Kyle & Tone came out. “Hey Guys!” Nick said.
“What are you doing here?” Kyle asked.
The Bubbles Raiders just looked at each other and giggled. “We brought you a present,” Skye said as Tacie opened the cargo door of the truck.
Kyle and Nick looked in the truck. “No way!” Kyle said.
“How did you get them?” Nick asked.
“We’re the Bubbles Raiders,” Angela said.
“We can do anything,” LL added.
“Now, move so we can get these off the truck for you.” Tacie said.
AND that is how Nick & Kyle got the IMA journals delivered. Or not.