I’ve been watching the babies for the last couple of days. It’s fun. They’ve been in the water swimming around. They’ve been on the grass eating. One morning they were just about to get in the water for a swim. They’re cute right now. All fuzzy with with their baby feathers. And Louie is really protecting the family. When they are swimming he’s in between the family and the road. And when they are on the grass, he’s standing up right, chest out, head up watching for danger – such as an over curious Xterra. He’s really protective of his brood.
Goosling Watch
Woooooooooo Hoooooooooo! The babies are definitely hatched! Lucy & Louie were over on the other side of the pond this morning when I went by. Lucy was seated on the ground and Louie was in watch posture – standing, alert, neck fully extended.
Goose Watch
I think the babies have hatched. Lucy Goosey was standing beside the nest this morning and I thought I saw fuzz. I don’t know. She was stilling this evening so I couldn’t see. So I think Louis & Lucy are finally parents. I’ll check tomorrow.
Goose Watch
As of today Mom Goose is still nesting. Monday I didn’t have anyone behind me so I was able to stop completely and take a good look. Monday on the way home I got to see Dad Goose land in the pond. That was fun.
Mom is really hard to see when her back is to the road. And if her head is down… she’s almost impossible to see. Today Dad was sleeping on the lawn above the pond. He had a view of everything. There’s a guy who lives down the street who walks, his black lab down by the pond. I only see him in the morning… and I can always tell if he’s been by. If Mom Goose is facing the road, he’s been by, if not.. he hasn’t been yet. Neither dog or man bother the geese.
I can’t wait to see the babies.
Goose Watch
On Friday Mom & Dad Goose were doing well. Mom was on the nest and Dad was just hanging out. She has a good camoflague going on. When her back is to the road you can’t really see her. They really ignore the cars on the road. But if you slow down Dad will paddle over towards the road. So as of Friday the chick hadn’t hatched. I’ll have to do some reach on how long it takes for them to hatch and how long they stay in the nest.
Goose Watch
Ok, Mom & Dad Goose are officially nested. YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAH! I was worried for a couple of days. I coudn’t find either of them. Above is my rough (and I mean ROUGH – yes, your 6 year old could do better) drawing of the pond. There are 2 places that the Geese nest. One is on a small built up mound in the shallows on the right side of the pond where all the brown reeds are. Yes, they are reeds. The next place is on a man made platform that is about 3 feet square. It’s under the tree behind a small rise. You can see the Geese as you are traveling north on Oak Tree, but when you are coming south, the platform is hidden behind a small rise in the lawn. And Mom Goose blends in with the brown around her, so if her head is down… and there is a car behind you…. she’s easy to miss. I saw Dad Goose Tuesday on the lawn and then Wednesday swimming alone and I knew Mom was on the nest. Yesterday morning there was no one behind me and I stopped for a look. Mom wasn’t too thrilled with the stop. I didn’t stay long enough to cause too much distress. But I know that they are there and they have nested. Now we just wait for BABIES!
Goose Watch
Yesterday on the way home Mom & Dad Goose weren’t home. I won’t see them over the weekend.
Goose Watch
Mom and Dad Goose were swimming in the pond this morning. I was going to stop and watch but there was a guy right on my tail. I was also going to pick up a sheet for the house to see how much it costs, but the box was empty. But the geese were in the pond.
Goose Watch
Tonight on the way home both Mom & Dad Goose were at the pond. One was on the lawn and the other was in the water looking at the decoy like “don’t you do anything else besides sit there?” My guess it was Dad in the water, but hey… how do you tell a male from a female? I don’t think the decoy is going to stop them from having thier eggs there. Which is good. That’s the Goose Watch for now.
Goose Watch
Ok. The house is for sale. And it there is a decoy in the shallow end of the pond. It was the one goose I kept seeing in the morning. I don’t see the pair in the AM. I guess they don’t get up before 10 am. I don’t know if they current owner’s are trying to drive off the geese of attract them. They do make a terrible mess. They don’t know how to use a litter box. Or in other words they “poop at will.” Fertilizer factory comes into mind. but on the bright side, I’ve never seen greener grass.
But the geese are still there. Last night on the drive home the kids were swimming in the pond. They were a bit distracted by the decoy… but they didn’t seem to be afraid of it. They kept looking at it like… do we go over and welcome him or what? I hope it doesn’t discourage them from nesting in the pond. And I hope the new owner’s are as wildlife friendly as the current owners. I didn’t get a real good look because there was a car behind me – and I mean RIGHT behind me. So… that’s the update for now. Maybe there will be more tonight.