Goose Watch

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

As of today Mom Goose is still nesting.  Monday I didn’t have anyone behind me so I was able to stop completely and take a good look.  Monday on the way home I got to see Dad Goose land in the pond.  That was fun. 

Mom is really hard to see when her back is to the road.  And if her head is down… she’s almost impossible to see.  Today Dad was sleeping on the lawn above the pond.  He had a view of everything.  There’s a guy who lives down the street who walks, his black lab down by the pond.  I only see him in the morning… and I can always tell if he’s been by.  If Mom Goose is facing the road, he’s been by, if not.. he hasn’t been yet.  Neither dog or man bother the geese.

I can’t wait to see the babies.