Teal’c: Are you ready, O’Neill?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: No. Give me a warning.
[Teal’c activates a zat and aims at O’Neill]
Teal’c: I am going to shoot you.
Jack: I was thinking more along the lines of “on three”. One…
[Teal’c shoots O’Neill with the zat. O’Neill collapses to the floor. Dr. Lee waves an ammonia capsule by his nose.]
Jack: [in a great deal of pain] Two…God, I said on three. God.
Stargate SG-1 Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: For crying out loud.
Stargate SG-1, Window of Opportunity, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [Stuck in a continous time loop with Teal’c] If it were just me, I’d agree, but what about Teal’c? Come on, is this the face of a crazy man?
[He points to Teal’c who impassively stares at Hammond. Hammond looks at O’Neill.]
Jack: Bad example…
Taggart’s Accent
I have to disagree with everyone who thinks Taggart’s accent is terrible. Hey, he’s just form a different part of Austrialia. It’s like the difference between a Boston accent and a New York accent. They’re not that far apart, but they sound different. And what about the difference between someone from Boston and some one from, say Savannah? They sound nothing alike. So…. just because his accent doesn’t sound like what WE American’s think it SHOULD sound like… doesn’t mean it isn’t right.
Eureka, Once in a Lifetime, Quote
None. This is my least favorite episode of Seasons 1 & 2.
Open Threads
Ok. Here’s some open threads on Eureka.
- Sheriff Jack Carter is remembering Henry Deacon using the memory mess-er-upper device thingy.
- Nathan Stark asks Allison Blake to remarry him because he can’t live without her and Kevin.
- Carter and Callie Curie are dating. Where is that going?
- Where did Beverly Barlowe go after she was transported out of the bunker?
- Where did the Artifact go after Kevin was transported?
- What’s going to happen to Henry? Is he coming back to Eureka?
- What will happen to Jack if Henry doesn’t come back? How will he figure anything out?
Here’s a thought. Bevery Barlowe was the town shrink. Jack’s ex-wife Abby Carter is a shrink. What would happen if Abby became the town shrink? Just a thought.
Eurka – H.O.U.S.E Rules
When Taggart and Jo are shooting the sensor cams Taggart walks up to the cam and shoots it with pink paint. He was using yellow. So unless Taggart and Jo switched guns JUST prior to when they started shooting – the wrong color paint hit the sensor cam, it should have been yellow.
Eureka – Primal
When Spencer, Henry, Carter & Zoe are in the town hall and Spencer is going to demonstrate his little speaker, Henry reacts before everyone else. To be nice, it’s because Henry knows what’s coming. To be naughty, Joe Morton reacts too soon. Let’s be nice.
Also, Spencer uses records? Not CD’s, not tapes, Records. When Carter asks Spencer to play something romantic, Spencer picks up a record.
Eureka, H.O.U.S.E Rules, Quotes
SARAH: What about vacation homes?
Sheriff Jack Carter: It was a fantasy. A really good fantasy.
Dr. Henry Deacon: Yeah.
Sheriff Jack Carter [to Stark]: Did you tuck my sheets in real tight?
Sheriff Jack Carter: This house has a force field?
Dr. Henry Deacon: Well, technically there’s no such thing. It’s a monofilament electrified mesh which forms a near invisible barrier.
Jack: And how’s that not a force field?
Sheriff Jack Carter: God, I wish Lupo were here.
Dr. Henry Deacon: [Speaking of SARAH] That’s it. We’ll just blow her up.
Jack: [Speaking of Jo] She’s not here.
Stark pushes Carter beer out of his reach.
Sheriff Jack Carter: In a town full of super geniuses, why is it that the pizza guy’s the only one with the presence of mind to walk out the door?
Eureka, Purple Haze, Quotes
Dr. Henry Deacon: Wagner again.
Sheriff Jack Carter: I don’t know. I get all the conductors confused.
Henry: Composers.
Jack: I rest my case.
Dr. Douglas Fargo: Biopharmacology is just a fancy word for gardener.
Dr. Seth Osbourne: Oooops. My bad.
Sheriff Jack Carter: If I have to come back I’m bringing a stun gun and a weed wacker. You got it?
Dr. Allison Blake: Don’t the two of you ever get tired of bickering?
Sheriff Jack Carter and Dr. Nathan Stark [in unison]: Not Really. No.
Sheriff Jack Carter: No, I mean… Yes, I mean you lok good, yeah, but… We’ve gotta stay on topic here.
Dr. Nathan Stark: Am I supposed to ignore that Mayberry’s hitting on my wife?
Sheriff Jack Carter: You do realize I’m standing right here.
Deputy Jo Lupo: You are no fun.
Sheriff Jack Carter: You know what would be fun?
Jo: Ice-skating.
Sheriff Jack Carter: People seem to be under the influence, doing whatever the hell they want. Like they’re drunk.
Dr. Henry Deacon: Some of us are.
Sheriff Jack Carter: Taggart? You’re naked.
Dr. Jim Taggart: Au naturel.
Jack: May I ask why?
Taggart: Why not?
Sheriff Jack Carter: I mean, what makes us different?
Zoe Carter: We’re from L.A.
Sheriff Jack Carter: Unless you want roast your chestnuts, back off.
Dr. Jim Taggart: You wouldn’t dare.
Jack: Try me.
Sheriff Jack Carter: Of course, it’s incredibly dangerous.
Dr. Allison Carter: Have you ever know anything to change the world that wasn’t.
Jack: Velcro.