Kitty Velcro

Saturday, October 4, 2008

From the Kitty Chronicles at 483 N Mill Rd

I’ve become Kitty Velcro.  Or at least 1/2 of the Velcro. Houdini, or Velcro Butt (or just Cro) as I’ve taken to calling him these days, has become the other 1/2.  Usually cat moods last for a day or 4 tops and they move onto the next mood.  Laying in the same place for a couple of days, a week tops, and then getting another “favorite” place.

Well, Houdini’s favorite place at night is on me.  And he likes skin. So when I lay on my left side he lays on my arm and I can wrap another arm around him.  He will stay in that position until I move. If I roll over, he walks on me and goes to the other side. If I lay on my back, he lays on my chest and looks at me.  I’ve taken to rolling him over with me so that he doesn’t walk on me.  He gets the wide eyed “I don’t like this” kitty look while we are rolling and then he just settles down and stays put.

My cats are nuts.