Archive for the ‘questions’ Category

I got this from my Boss and I love it.  The answers are in the comments.  But don’t peek.

1.) How do you put a giraffe in the refrigerator?
Stop and think about it and decide on your answer before you go to comments.

2.) How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

3.) The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend …. Except one. Which animal does not attend?

4.) There is a river you must cross but it is used by crocodiles, and you do not have a boat. How do you manage it?

According to AndersonConsulting Worldwide, around 90% of the Professionals they tested got all questions wrong, but many preschoolers got several correct answers. AndersonConsulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals do not have the brains of a four-year-old.

So, how DO astronauts go to the bathroom?
The following video explains it all.
Astronaut Potty

It took a modern astronomer using one of the world’s most powerful computers to prove that Stonehenge was/is a calendar. How it was constructed without the use of massive earth moving and lifting equipment remains a mystery. Now comes a retired construction worker with a simple and completely plausible answer. I think you will find this video fascinating. Click on the link below.

Stonehenge’s Possible Construction

Ok. Have you ever seen a cats eyes glow and flash in the light? Have you ever wondered where the writers of Stargate came up with the idea of glowing eyed aliens?? Have you ever thought your cat was trying to control you? Have you ever wondered why cat’s are SO independant?

It’s my theory that the writers of Stargate came up with the idea of for the Goa’uld when one of them had the pants scared off of them when they caught their cats eyes flash and glow in the pitch black. How many of us haven’t had the pants scared off of us by a cat’s eyes glowing and flashing?  Come on, let’s be real.  I think it’s how the Goa’uld came ino being.

I could be wrong.

Replicator from Ark of Truth

Replicator from Ark of Truth

Brown Adult Stink Bug
Brown Adult Stink Bug

Ok, you tell me.  Did the Stargate writers come up with the idea for the Replicators because they were busy fighting a loosing battle with Stink Bugs?

My girlfriend at work – Elaine H. came up with the idea that Replicators are actually Stink Bugs, only metal. Think about it. Stink Bugs are not native to the US. The came from China. So they are invaders from a land far, far away.  Replicators – ditto.  Once you get one Stink Bug in your house, you’d better start looking for more.  They don’t just come in 1’s.  Replicators – ditto.  The Stink Bugs eat everything and move on.  Replicators – ditto.  And you just can’t seem to kill Stink Bugs.  Hey and guess what – ditto on the Replicators.  They even look a like!

So, my theory is Peter DeLuise or Martin Wood or someother writer/director/producer was waging war with Stink Bugs and the light bulb went on and the Replicatots were born.  So what do you think? We’re crazy or not,

If an illegal alien is an undocumented immigrant, why isn’t a drug dealer a unlicensed pharmacist?

Why do we need to give our cats nicknames?  Or… Why do we feel the need to give our cats more than one name?  I have 8 and every single last one either has more than 1 name or a nickname.  Now some of the names are just variations on the original name. 

Take Irwin for example.  He was named after The Crocodile Hunter.  We call him Irwin, Win-Man, the Winster.

Then we have Houdini.  We call him, Houdini, Houd-Man, Houd-butt, Scraggle Butt (he is allergic to flea bites and licks all the fur off his butt in the summer – which we try to prevent), Scraggs, and Lao Tzu (his eyes slant and when he closes them and looks at you he looks very wise). 

Or Steve.  He’s also named after The Crocodile Hunter and he’s Win’s brother. Steve, Steve-O, Weavie Stevie (he’s got some brain damage from an illness and isn’t alway steady on his feet), The Weave Man.

Sam.  Samuel Q. Kitty, Sammy, Samster, Stinky Sam, Sexy Sam (he’s very sleek and silky), and Plough Kitty (we like Men In Trees).

Earl. I don’t think I’ve ever called her by her given name of Earl.  Earl the Girl, Bubbies, Bubbles, Grubby Bumps (she doesn’t like the other kitties).

So as you can see our kitties have a number of names each.  Is it any wonder they don’t come when called?  Ok, besides the fact that they are cats.

If someone could explain to me this…  How on God’s green earth did Carter see the biometric subcutaneous computer chip when the body was cover in all that dirt and debris and yuck?  Seriously.

Here’s a question.  Why when the cost of a barrel of oil jumps up $4 does the cost of gasoline jump up the very next day by 50 cents?  And why when the cost of a barrel of oil drops $4 does it take 2 or 3 weeks for the price to fall maybe 6 cents?  Is there an explaination for this?