Archive for the ‘knitting’ Category

This is my thoughts on Peaches & Creme cotton yarn by Elmore-Pisgah Inc. versus Sugar ‘n Cream by Lily. I tend use P&C more than SnC for 1 reason only – WalMart carries it and WalMart is close.

Personally I like SnC better. It’s softer. Other than that they knit up very similar. WalMart has limited colors, but they are very inexpensive and they are the closest to home. And with gas prices the way they are that makes it doubly cheap.

Lion Brand has a version too, but I’ve never used it. Lion Brand runs about $4.99 a ball. SnC runs $2.19 to $2.41 per ball. And P&C is about $1.27 – which is another advantage. Red Heart has a version also ($2.19) which I’ve never used it either.

I’ve been using the yarn with the following pattern. Pot Holder / Hot Pad (requires registration). It’s a pot holder that uses 3 strands knit together. It makes a nice springy, thick piece. And when it washes it shrinks up a bit and tightens up. I’ve been giving them as gifts. And so far they’ve gone over well.

I’ve been using the following patterns for embellishments.

Elmore-pisgah Kitchen, Bed and Bath Patterns

Peas and Carrots Scrubber Cloth

Sunflower Ensemble

They make really cute gifts. I’ve put snaps on the peas, carrots, and sunflowers so that the pot holder remains functional (as well as decorative). Plus I usually don’t wash the pot holders before I give them so there is a chance the green peas and orange carrots may bleed when washed.

When I finally use the other brands I’ll give my thoughts on them.

Stitch Pattern Ideas 

Delightful Details – Episode DKNG-612,2046,DIY_18180_43434,00.html

Here are some cute ideas for throw pillows.

Cushie – Episode DKNG-607,2046,DIY_18180_43429,00.html

Show – To Hide and to Hold – Episode DKNG-506,2025,DIY_14141_5188405,00.html
Idea – headband with elastic yarn

In no particular order my favorite yarns are… 

  1. Carron Bliss
  2. Red Heart Light & Lofty
  3. Trendsetter Liberty (discontinued!!!)
  4. Lion Brand Homespun
  5. Bernat Alpaca

There are more, but these are the ones that I can come up with off the top of my head.

Ok.  You knit that really cool shawl for Aunt Cattie and now Aunt Bill wants one.  You can remember the pattern but can’t remember the yarn.  Here’s a tip for remembering.  I keep all (I’m a little obsessive) my yarn labels.  Eventually this can become really massive.  Unless you use the same yarn over and over (which is very possible).  I keep them in 2 Ziplock bags  One bag has labels and the other has labels with a yarn sample attached.  Some labels have 1 sample attached, some have more depending on whether there is a pattern or like in the case of Lion Brand Homespun is really cool when it unravels.  I also write on the label with the sample what I made using that yarn.  Use a Sharpie… and if it’s a really glossly label try to write on the inside.  On certain glossy labels Sharpies aren’t as permanent as they would like you to think they are.  This way you can take the label and sample of the yarn to the store to buy the yarn for Aunt Bill.  Also if you have a favorite yarn, you don’t have to try to remember the name and the manufacturer.  You can just go to your baggie and pull out the label and get some more.  And that’s what it’s all about… more yarn!

I put all my knitting “stuff” in ziplock bags.  I have a bag for tools & stuff, bags for projects on needles, a bag for current yarn wrappers/labels, a bag for old labels and a bag for old labels with samples.  All of this is in a lovely quilted tote bag.  Mom made the total bag.  She a great quilter!  There’s a couple of reasons for the zip bags.  1) they are clear – I can see what is in them.  2) the stuff is contained for when I dump the tote bag – accidentally or on purpose.  and 3) the stuff is kept clean and free of cat fur or other dirt that just might fall into the bag.  And they are inexpensive and if they get a whole in them, toss ’em and get a new one.

I need to go back and take a couple of knitting lessons.  I can’t seem to get the last stitch (or 1st one) small.  It’s always this gigantic loop that I have to pull extra tight when I start the row.  I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.  It’s irritating. Bah!

I started knitting prayer/healing shawls just recently.  When I purchased Prayer Shawl Ministry: Reaching Those in Need I bought some Lion Brand Homespun Yarn to make a project.

Let’s start with – I really like this yarn.  “Soft, Silky and Beautiful! A uniquely textured yarn that works up quickly and easily. … Please note that some colors have long, slow color variations that cause them to subtly stripe. This is deliberate and adds to the beauty of the finished garment; such yarns are designated as our ‘painterly’ colors.”  It’s neat yarn.  It is made up of fibers woven around a central string to create these little nubs.  Homespun Yarn for a picture.  And it’s got a ton of colors.  It’s warm and most importantly it’s machine wash & dry.  My cats love it.

Ok.  I can’t purl with this yarn without straightening the nubs out on one side of my fingers and bunching them up on the other side.  If you pull too hard on this yarn it will do this.  Anyone who wraps the yarn around their fingers while knitting will notice this.  It just takes an adjustment in they way you knit.  That being said – I think it’s worth it.  I just have to figure out how to adjust my purling now.

Don’t you just hate trying to knit with circular needles?  Wouldn’t you just rather cram 200 stitches on straight needles?

Well until I discovered this trick – Me, too.  I was watching a DIY show called Knitty Gritty ( and I found this tip. 

Boil your needles and that will straighten out the cord.  There is one little thing though, don’t boil wooden or bamboo needles!  Just dip the cord in boiling water.  If you submerse the needles the finish probably will be damaged.  This is the voice of experience.  I got brand new bamboo needles, stuck them in the nuke chest (microwave) in a dish of water, the needle fell in and I had to rewax my needles.  Ugh!  But my cord is straight!