A one sided point of view from an only child outsider.
*stepping up on soap box & clearing throat*
Have you Ladies actually stopped to read what your sister is writing on her blog Jersey Girl Gets Real and FB? or are you so self absorbed to think that everything is either crude or a snipe at you? More often than not she’s poking fun at herself. (Yes, I did spell check)
Remember this Internet thing is like the TV …. it’s always there, always on, but you DO have an off button. And just because she is the youngest, you are all adults now, she doesn’t have to ask permission or do as you say anymore. She is entitled to her opinion just as you are – get over it. And get over the fact that she isn’t a stuffed shirt and voices those opinions. If you don’t like it – use the off button. If you are jealous – open your MOUTH to do something other than snipe at M. Write a witty and amusing come back.
Have you actually read the blog? Guess what. It’s about her! Not you, sorry. Wait, retract the sorry. Have you read the entry on loyalty? No? Well, put your precious egos aside and read it. Guess what – she loves you and is disappointed in you! Instead over growing closer as you older – sharing the joys and sorrows of husbands, kids and life – you aren’t. This is her way of expressing HER disappointment in that drifting apart. Again. It’s all about her – not you.
Life isn’t fair. Get over it.
a) M is the baby by a number of years. Of course your Mother & Father doted on her. Of course she seemed to be the favorite She is the BABY! Get over it. It’s life.
b) Of course your Mother talks about M all the time. They are neighbors and M can watch TV with Mom without leaving HER house. Get over it. If you want that same relationship with Mom, buy the house next door to Mom. Put up or shhhhhhhhhh.
As the one character on Eureka says, ” Jealous much?” Instead of celebrating your sister’s intelligence and wit, you seem to be threatened by it. Read between the lines Ladies and realize how big a part of who she has become has been shaped by you. But M’s life isn’t about you. I hate to smoosh your ego’s like this, but M’s life is about M.
Point – you sister is outspoken. She shares much of her life with the world. There are many of us enjoy her for what & who she is. We get our Daily Dose of Michelle and love it. Get over it.
Point – what she writes is her point of view and opinion. She IS entitled to both, just as you are. Get over it. And hey, if you are as intelligent as she says, come up with a witty come back. Start your own blog and do what she is doing – making us, laugh & smile – or get over it.
Point. Proximity makes her Mom’s favorite by default. Get over it or move.
Point. She IS your sister. For all her good points and all her bad points she loves you very much. Get over it and love her for who she is.
Point. The past is gone. Don’t let it ruin the present or the future. Life is just way to short. No one gets out alive. And karma is a bigger bitch than any of us. Get over it. Move on. And embrace and love each over for who you are. Enjoy each other’s differences and laugh at each other’s quirks. And be thankful you HAVE a sister at all. If you don’t want her – I’ve got room in my family for her.
*stepping of soapbox*