Unintentional Facebook Dinner

Monday, September 5, 2011

It turns out that my Fantasy Football draft was a Facebook dinner as well!  I even picked up two friends at dinner.

We had our draft at Rock Bottom Brewery in King of Prussia.  It was fun. It’s pretty much the only time I see Brenda and Lori-An.  Lori-An had just adopted the most adorable little boy.

I met both Lori-An & Brenda through Nealla.  Nealla and Carissa work with me.  And finally my two new friends are County employees too –  Stacey & Marilyn.

The draft is always fun. We get together for dinner before we started the draft.  Carissa, Marilyn & Stacey were new to our league this year.  I always get lost getting there. I have this stupid mental block of where Rock Bottom is.  It’s got really good Mac & Cheese.