The Death of Balthazar the Unchained, Champion of the Pits

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Written by: Miracan, Blaze
RPed by: Balthazar, Miracan, Blaze

I wrote from a roll play that was done on Discord. It is from a D&D campaign called The Hunt for the Axe (which is still in process and still being written). The names below are the character names, not the names of the players. I am not the creator of The Hunt, just merely a player.

The background: our adventurers are in a town called Hollowtown.  Tensions between Balthazar, Miracan and Blaze have been steadily rising.  Balthazar has finally pushed Miracan too far.

Balthazar, Dragonborn, Fighter, Hollowtown Pit Champion
Blaze – Fire Genasi Rogue, translates for Miracan, and a bit more
Galruin, Fallen Aasimar, Paladin (?), new to town, tinkerer
Miracan – Drow Gloom Stalker Ranger, doesn’t speak common, has Blaze translate for him. Is relatively new to the surface.

[When speaking to Miracan (or he is speaking) unless otherwise noted, it is in Draconic.]


Starting in the common room of the Crossroads Tavern


Growling under his breath, the Drow storms into the tavern holding the hilts of both swords tight, his anger almost tangible.

Galruin looks up from his tinkering “Troubles my fair Drow?”

Glaring at the new one, “Want to dance friend?” he growls.

Balthazar comes storming into the tavern giving Miracan a murderous look.

Miracan turns as Balthazar enters the tavern and grins as his sapphire eyes begin to softly glow becoming brighter than the ambient light. As the lazy bully had continued to “prance around”, mistreating everybody around him and claiming to be “champion” of these great and mighty fighting pits, Miracan sees nothing more than an armored cast-off from his own culture.

Blaze steps in front of the Drow her hair moving agitatedly.  Looking in his eyes, Blaze’s eyes begin to glow in response, and she knows the Dragonborn would not be walking from the Pit.

“It’s time to prove who’s best mosslicker,” Balthazar growls. And then looks at the Drow and then ravenously to the pits.

Blaze ignores Balthazar.  In Undercommon Miracan growls, “Never mind.”

Balthazar begins, “Grant me the screams of their young for song, grant me the helplessness of their males for my satisfaction, grant me the wealth of their houses for my bed. By this unworthy sacrifice I honor you, Queen of Spiders, and beseech of you the strength to destroy my foes.

‘Come at me. Let’s see if Lolth favors you.”

Miracan glances at Blaze and she nods and says softly so only the Drow can hear, “fight well.”

Galruin not understanding the escalating tensions, stares and starts to stand.

Blaze with flames in her eyes, looks at Galruin and hold out a hand to stop him, “stay out of this.”

Miracan draws his swords to finally speak Undercommon to the unworthy. “Come and meet that which you worship,” he says in a low, raspy voice as he walks towards the Pits.

Even though she doesn’t understand the words, Blaze understands the tone and smiles, her eyes glowing.  The Drow would end this tonight.

Balthazar smiles a cruel smile and heads to pits tensed with swords drawn. As he and the Drow reach the pits the crowd disperses a bit. A man walks up with a contract for each fighter sign. ”Here and here,” the man says point to the contract. “The contract shows that you understand this a one on one grudge match and that we aren’t responsible for the outcome.”

Balthazar signs aggressively.

Galruin turns to Blaze, “I know all about honor. This fight is theirs.”

The Drow shrugs and pricks his finger with the tip of a dagger dripping 2 drops of blood where the signature would be.

Blaze says to Galruin, “This is no longer about honor.”

Balthazar smiles cruelly and in Undercommon say, “Tonight you die. And with it showing Lolth favors me.”

Miracan, in Draconic, “Prepare for the loving embrace of death Lizard.”  He moves to his “designated” spot 100’ from Balthazar.

Balthazar takes his place, “We shall see Princess. We shall see.”

As the battle starts, Miracan begins circling Balthazar shooting arrows, his sapphire eyes blazing, as the Dragonborn tries to get close enough to use his swords.

Balthazar jumps across the pit and breathes out lightning at the Drow, just barely hitting the Drow as he rolls out its path.  Miracan stands up taunting the Dragonborn, “you missed me Pincushion.”

Miracan continues circling the Dragonborn continuing to shoot arrows, as the Dragonborn searches for an opportunity to attack.

The Dragonborn begins to retreat from the onslaught of arrows, realizing he is out matched by the expert archery of the Drow.

Miracan, further taunting Balthazar, drops to one knee, planting his arrow in front of him.  The Dragonborn steps forward toward the Drow, hoping to get close enough to strike.

Eyes blazing, the Drow shoots one last fatal arrow at the Dragonborn.  As the Dragonborn falls, the light in the Drow’s eyes begins to dim and Miracan walks over to Balthazar and places his sword on the Dragonborn’s chest, “join in our release or join in her pleasure.”

As the Dragonborn screams his defiance, Miracan, without a change in expression, pushes the sword into the Dragonborn’s chest ending the conflict. The Drow notices the amulet that belongs to Blaze and reaches down and removes a brooch from the Dragonborn’s cloak.  Pulling his sword from the Dragonborn, the Drow leaves the pit, the fire in his eyes finally dim.

Galruin turns to Blaze, “Poor lizard never stood a chance,” and, pointing at Drow, “I’m sure he’ll be ok.”

Blaze looks at Galruin her eyes flat and in a harsh voice, “No, he didn’t stand a chance.” She turns and watches as the Drow comes toward her, “I know he will be fine,” she says in a softer tone.

The crowd pushes toward the victor as the Drow walks into the tavern. He pushes the crowd back with a single look and places the amulet onto the table and sits in quiet contemplation.  Slight scorch marks from the Dragonborn’s breath are visible on Miracan’s armor.

As Galruin reaches out to take the amulet, Miracan, without a change in expression, slams a dagger into the table preventing him from reaching for the amulet.

Blaze reaches out an takes the amulet. “Thank you,” she says softly to the Drow.

Galruin turns to Blaze, “That amulet. May I look at it?”

Blaze looks at Galruin her eyes going flat again, “Why?”

“I only wish to understand the arcane.”

Miracan slowly turn his head towards the stranger, “No… It was hers… He took it…”

Blaze, watching the Drow intently, respond to Galruin without taking her eyes off of Miracan “No. I don’t think so.”