The Burglar in the Closet – my thoughts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ok, so this on isn’t quite a Burglar Who, but it’s one of the books in the series.

The Burglar in the Closet
Lawrence Block

I actually haven’t quite finished the book yet. Which is ok because I’ve read it once before and I’ve read through the climax and the last chapter or so is wrap up.

This is the second of the Bernie Rhodenbarr mysteries – “The Burglar Who” stories. Even though the first two don’t have who in the title, the remaining ones do. Our hero is Bernie Rhodenbarr and he is a burglar (hence the titles).  In the books Bernie has the bad luck of burglaring an abode while the owner (or some other unlucky person) gets murdered.

Set in NY City there are many characters that Bernie comes across in his travel and travails.  In The Burglar in the Closet Bernie is recruited to steal the jewelry of the World Greatest Dentist’s ex-wife.  Bern just happens to be in the wife’s apartment when she is unfortunately offed by an unknown assailant.  The World’s Greatest Dentist is then arrested for the murder and he subsequently pins it on Bernie.

It’s not high literature. It will never be mentioned (again) in the same breath with Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. It is however a very fun and entertaining read. Written from Bernie’s point of view, the dialog is quick witted and snappy.  It is a book you can put down, but won’t want to put it down.

If Bernie were to move in next door I wouldn’t lock the doors, I’d invite him in for a Scotch.