Colonel Jack O’Neill (frustrated): What are you doing here?
Dr. Jay Felger: Stand easy, we’re here to rescue you. [Felger grins.]
Major Samantha Carter: Did he say we?
Felger: That’s right. I have Coombs with me.
[Coombs appears in the vent.]
Dr. Simon Coombs: Hi.
Jack: (sarcastically) Why, look everybody, he’s got Coombs with him.
The Other Guys
Stargate SG-1, The Other Guys, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Carter, be honest. The resumé gag…?
Teal’c: It needs work, O’Neill.
Stargate SG-1, The Other Guys, Quote
Dr. Simon Coombs: Oh, please, huh? They’re just tired of your butt-snorkling.
Stargate SG-1, The Other Guys, Quote
Dr. Simon Coombs: Oh, come on, Felger. We might as well be wearin’ red shirts.
Dr. Jay Felger: I don’t get that.
Stargate SG-1, The Other Guys, Quote
Hu’rak: No matter what you have endured, you’ve never experienced the likes of what Anubis is capable of.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: You ended that sentence with a preposition, bastard.