Major Samantha Carter: Wait a minute…are you saying the Ancients actually lost one of their own cities?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: No, no…they didn’t lose it. They – they made it lost…to other people that might try to find it. I’m guessing that they camouflaged it…and removed all reference to it from the written history.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: So…the lost city is…still lost?
Daniel: I’m pretty sure.
Jack: You know, you told me to give Anubis that eye.
Sam: According to reports from our allies, Anubis is quickly conquering the other system lords.
Teal’c: He will dominate the galaxy in a very short time.
Jack: I only did it because you said we could whup his ass with what we find in this lost city.
Daniel: Wa-if I said that, then I-I hope it’s…true, but…but all I know is that the place you’re searching right now is not it.
Jack: Then…where is “it”?
Daniel: Did I just say “all I know”?
Jack: Everyone turn away. I want no witnesses.
Stargate SG-1, Talion, Quote
Ba’kal: Where are you going?
Teal’c: [calmly] I am leaving. You are about to explode
Stargate SG-1, Deadman Switch, Quote
Aris Boch: Well, uh, Teal’c is worth the most. The, uh, System Lords would love to make a good example of him. And Carter here, well, she has the memories of the Tok’ra Jolinar. And you, O’Neill, you’re considered – Well, you’re a pain in the nikta.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Neck?
Teal’c: No.
Stargate SG-1, Moebius: Part 2, Quote
[versions of Jack O’Neill, Samantha Carter and Teal’c have travelled back in time to Egypt in the year 2995 B.C. where they meet the Daniel Jackson of the original timeline]
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Well, this can’t be a good sign.
Alternate Col. Jack O’Neill: Why’s that?
Daniel: Where am I?
Alternate Jack: Ancient Egypt?
Daniel: No, I mean the me from your timeline.
Alternate Teal’c: I killed you.
Daniel: Why?
Alternate Teal’c: You were a Goa’uld spy.
Daniel: [matter of factly] Good reason.
Stargate SG-1, Ascension, Quote
[Major Carter answers the front door to find O’Neill and TEAL’C, in a cowboy hat, waiting for her.]
Major Samantha Carter: Hey guys, what are you doing here?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: We brought pizza and a movie.
Teal’c: Star Wars.
Jack: He’s seen it, what? Eight times?
Teal’c: Nine.
Jack: Nine times. If Teal’c likes it, it’s gotta be okay.
Sam: You’ve never seen Star Wars?
Jack: Well, you know me and sci-fi.
Stargate SG-1, The Other Side, Quote
Dr. Daniel Jackson: No…Their whole world is in flames, and we’re offering gasoline. How is that help?
Teal’c: We are in fact offering water.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Thank you.
Daniel Jackson: I was speaking metaphorically.
Jack: Well, stop it. It’s not fair to Teal’c.
Stargate SG-1, The Other Side, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: You’ve got that look.
Teal’c: To which look are you referring, O’Neill?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: The one that says, “I have misgivings about this mission, but deep down I know we’re doing the right thing”?
Jack: No, the other one.
Daniel: [surprised] Oh.
Stargate SG-1, The Curse, Quote
[Colonel O’Neill is sitting fishing. Teal’c is standing next to him staring at a rod.]
Teal’c: There appears to be no fish here, O’Neill.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: T, it’s not about the actual fish, themselves. Fish are not important in this context. It’s about fish-ing, the act of fishing itself.
Teal’c: I see.
[Sound of a cell phone ringing. O’Neill looks around.]
Colonel Jack O’Neill: You didn’t?
Teal’c: By request of General Hammond.
[O’Neill reaches around into a bag behind him and picks out the phone. He answers it.]
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [mutters] No way.
[Teal’c slaps a mosquito as Jack answers phone shouting]
Jack: What?
Jack: [calmer] Yes Daniel, he’s right here. Please hold. [hands the phone to Teal’c]
Teal’c: Daniel Jackson. We have caught nothing. We are fishing.
Stargate SG-1, Urgo, Quote
Major Samantha Carter: P4X 884 looks like an untouched paradise, sir.
Teal’c: Appearances may be deceiving.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: A fool’s paradise is a wise man’s hell.
Jack: Never run with… scissors?
Stargate SG-1, Urgo, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [to General Hammond] Au revoir mon General.
Teal’c: I am unfamiliar with that term, O’Neill.
[They head up the ramp.]
Jack: Au revoir. It’s French. It means ciao. Ciao…means adios, auf weidersehen, sayonara, which all loosely translated means…
[They step through the Stargate.]
[SG-1 steps out of the Stargate back into the Gate room. Hammond and a group of armed soldiers are waiting at the bottom of the ramp, along with two MALPs.]
Jack: Goodbye?
General George Hammond: [to soldiers] Stand down.
[to SG-1] What happened?
Jack: [confused] What happened?
Hammond: That’s what I just asked you. Will someone please explain?
Major Samantha Carter: General, we just left. We went through the Gate and we came back…here.
Hammond: Major, you’ve been gone over fifteen hours.
[Carter looks shocked.]