Colonel Cameron Mitchell: Intel looks good. We’ve got ourselves a space train full of evil Orville Redenbacher.
Stargate SG-1, 2001, Quote
Senator Robert Kinsey: Colonel. I swear, O’Neill. There’s gonna be an investigation into this.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [yelling after Kinsey ] That’d be fine. O’Neill [holding up 3 fingers] two l’s.
Random Thoughts
When is dead not dead?
When you are on a science fiction show.
Open Threads from Season 2
I had a bunch of open threads from Season 2. Some have been answered, some are still pending and may not be answered. So here are my open threads… answered or not.
- Sheriff Jack Carter is remembering Henry Deacon using the memory mess-er-upper device thingy. This hasn’t been addressed as of Episode 5 Season 3.
- Nathan Stark asks Allison Blake to remarry him because he can’t live without her and Kevin. Well we all know now that Allison does decides to marry Nathan but he just goes floating out into time leaving Allison free to have a relationship with Jack. But will it happen?
- Carter and Callie Curie are dating. Where is that going? This is going nowhere as we all now know. Callie has not been written in and Allison is now free to start dating Jack. If she will.
- Where did Beverly Barlowe go after she was transported out of the bunker? We may never know this answer. This is still an open thread.
- Where did the Artifact go after Kevin was transported? This may never be answered. Stark was the one who was interested in the artifact. This is still an open thread.
- What’s going to happen to Henry? Is he coming back to Eureka? Thanks to Eva “The Fixer” Thorne, Henry is back and completely pardoned. But for Eva’s own evil purposes. Ah… what will come of this?
- What will happen to Jack if Henry doesn’t come back? How will he figure anything out? Irrelavant. Not important, not happening.
Here’s the new Eureka psychiatrist thought. Dr. Abbey Carter is a shrink, but if they bring her back Jack can’t have a relationship with Allison. However we’ve discovered in Episode 4, Season 3 that Jack’s sister Lexi is ALSO a shrink. And she’s going to have a baby and needs a loving family to be around… so MAYBE, not knowing the future, she’s going to become the new Beverly. Just a new thought.
Bringing back Nathan
After watching Show Me the Mummy (Season 3, Episode 5) it’s obvious how the are going to bring back Nathan Stark. They left it wide open if Ed Quinn ever wants to come back.
Nathan gave Allison a logic diamond as a wedding present. He “imprinted a small part of himself” into the diamond. So they will do something like…
…use the diamond to attrack Nathan’s essence from time and reassemble him. Or…
…use the essence of Nathan that is in the diamond to recreate his DNA and create a Nathan clone.
…or something like that. So as always with SciFi unless you have a dead crispy body to show … the person can always come back. And even if you do have a crispy body (Carson Beckett) you can still come back.
When is dead not dead? When you are on a SciFi show.
Eureka, Show Me the Mummy, Quote
Sheriff Jack Carter: Ahhhh… Just be careful. It’s all fun and games until someone gets cursed.
Stargate SG-1, Talion, Quote
Ba’kal: Where are you going?
Teal’c: [calmly] I am leaving. You are about to explode
Nathan Stark is Dead
“And now for the answer to the only question you probably care about right now—Is Stark Really Dead?—the answer is YES.”
For now.”
This is from Eric (Wallace`s?) blog. So Nathan Stark is dead. Hmmm. I agree with the various boards … Nathan went out with class, dignity, and style. Ed Quinn, Colin Ferguson, and Neil Greyson did a great job. And we (my Beloved & founder of were totally shocked that Nathan got “dead.” But this is SciFi and how many times has a dead person reappeared? Carson Beckett just popped into my mind (I was watching an old episode of Atlantis). So how dead is dead? Yeah, we know it was the actor’s choice to leave … and good luck to him in his future endeavors … but they left his “death” so open. It was a cool effect … floating off into time. Eric (the writer) ended his blog with “for now” and Stark ended with “See you around, “Jack.” Or something close. Open ended. Lotsa folks are looking at Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson. Is it the same reason … Michael (sounds like I’m on 1st name basis with him don’t it) left because he wanted his character to grow and Showtime wanted the character to stay the same (if my fuzzy memory serves me right). Once SciFi took over the show, Michael came back and the character grew. Did Ed leave for similar reasons?
I’m not sure how I feel about Stark’s untimely demise. I will miss the character – he was delightfully snarky. I will miss the actor – he was delightfully handsome. And I’ll admit I was one of the ladies looking for more 1/2 naked Stark. But I’m still not sure how I feel about him leaving.
I would love for Allison & Jack to get together. That wouldn’t have happened if Allison had married Nathan. But I’m sure the Allison/Jack relationship is not going to happen now. Allison will be to heart broken. I’m sure their friendship will grow and strengthen. My guess is at least thru the end of the season there will be no Jack/Allison romance. Hopefully – in my opinion anyway. I’m also sure the the sexual tension will still be there in full force.
On an aside, I liked Callie Currie. She and Jack were cute together. Also, while I’m off on a tangent, here’s a thought – Beverly Barlowe is now gone, GD needs a psychiarist, Dr. Abbey Carter fits the bill. That would add a whole fun dynamic. Just my thoughts.
I was also getting a little tired of the whole Stark/Carter sniping at one another. It just seemed over done to me. Yeah, Stark was marrying Allison, but at the end of season 2 they had actually been able to work together without sniping at each other. Granted the whole marriage thing did change it … and they were trying to save Allison & Kevin, but… The sniping was still starting to get on my nerves. Carter & Stark (Stark could have been gracious about winninng the heart of the fair damsel) worked well together. Carter came up with the ideas and Stark “made it so.” Whaddya gonna do?
I would have liked to see Nathan stay. I would have liked to see him & Carter come to a detante and be able to work together. I would like to see Allison & Carter get together. Except that would’t have happened if Stark was staying. I like the Zane/Jo relztionship. But then again Jo & Taggart were cute too.
Speaking of… Bring back Taggart!!! I love Matt Frewer and the Taggart character is wonderfully quirky. There’s got to be a need for a vet! Sister Lexi brought “Grandma” with her.
Many shows have survived the loss of a major character. Let’s hope Eureka does too.
Stargate SG-1, Shades of Grey , Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: To be fair, General, I did it. Carter and Daniel protested. And Teal’c, well he really didn’t say anything but I could tell he was opposed to my actions by the way he cocked his head and sort of raised his eyebrow…
Stargate SG-1, Deadman Switch, Quote
Aris Boch: Well, uh, Teal’c is worth the most. The, uh, System Lords would love to make a good example of him. And Carter here, well, she has the memories of the Tok’ra Jolinar. And you, O’Neill, you’re considered – Well, you’re a pain in the nikta.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Neck?
Teal’c: No.