Teal’c: To resist the influence of others knowledge of oneself is most important.
Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Quote
Dr. Rodney McKay: Oh my God, he is Kirk.
Ba’al – Stargate’s Resident Bad Guy
“Baal – as in bocce?” Ok. I think Ba’al is sexy. He’s evil. But delightfully evil. So once you get past the whole evil bit – he’s sexy. In my opinion, it’s the confidence that just oozes from him that makes him so sexy.
Cliff Simon, who plays Ba’al, does so with great ability. He makes him delightfully evil. He makes the character very believable.
Stargate SG-1, Lost City Part 1, Quote
[General George Hammond sits down in Colonel Jack O’Neill’s living room, looks at the bottles of beer on the side, and points to them.]
General George Hammond: You wouldn’t happen to have another one of those?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: I would.
[Jack goes to the dining area, and gets a six pack of bottles.]
Jack: I hope you like Guinness, Sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for… food.
Tomorrow starts season 3 of Eureka. I can’t wait. It looks like it’s going to be another good season. Henry is coming back with a new hair cut. I’m glad he got rid of the mini-dreds. I don’t like Allison’s new do. It doesn’t look like either Mrs. Dr. Abby Carter or Callie Currie are coming back. So that leaves Jack free for Allison. It does look like Zane is coming back for Jo. At least for the first 2 episodes. And “Hairboy” is coming back for Zoe – at least if the commercial is anything to go by. And at least if IMDB.com is anything to go by. I guess we will see!
Eureka – Try, Try Again
I’ve been over watching Season 2 now. I got if form Amazon.com UnBox. Kind of cool. I still want the DVD’s for the extras.
Anyway, Continuity error. If you look in the background just before Beverly Barlowe comes to Section 14, you can see the Army guys with the nuke. It’s not supposed to be in Section 14 yet. Allison doesn’t authorize the transfer until 2 scenes later, but it’s the same 5 guys, same box on the gator, same formation both before and after the nuke is supposed to get there.
Stargate SG-1, Threshold, Quote
Dr. Daniel Jackson: False god. Dead, false god.
Teal’c: Your words cannot change the truth.
Daniel : They’re not my words, Teal’c, they’re yours. Of course, you were wrong at the time because he wasn’t…actually dead. But that’s neither here not there…
Stargate SG-1, The Other Guys, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill (frustrated): What are you doing here?
Dr. Jay Felger: Stand easy, we’re here to rescue you. [Felger grins.]
Major Samantha Carter: Did he say we?
Felger: That’s right. I have Coombs with me.
[Coombs appears in the vent.]
Dr. Simon Coombs: Hi.
Jack: (sarcastically) Why, look everybody, he’s got Coombs with him.
Stargate SG-1, The Other Guys, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Carter, be honest. The resumé gag…?
Teal’c: It needs work, O’Neill.
Stargate SG-1, Maternal Instinct, Quote
Monk: I cannot teach you what you already know.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Oh, I don’t think I know as much as you think I know.