Major Samantha Carter: Wait a minute…are you saying the Ancients actually lost one of their own cities?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: No, no…they didn’t lose it. They – they made it lost…to other people that might try to find it. I’m guessing that they camouflaged it…and removed all reference to it from the written history.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: So…the lost city is…still lost?
Daniel: I’m pretty sure.
Jack: You know, you told me to give Anubis that eye.
Sam: According to reports from our allies, Anubis is quickly conquering the other system lords.
Teal’c: He will dominate the galaxy in a very short time.
Jack: I only did it because you said we could whup his ass with what we find in this lost city.
Daniel: Wa-if I said that, then I-I hope it’s…true, but…but all I know is that the place you’re searching right now is not it.
Jack: Then…where is “it”?
Daniel: Did I just say “all I know”?
Jack: Everyone turn away. I want no witnesses.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Jonas Quinn: At this point, uh, we believe that we’ve mapped the full extent of the ruins.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: No…fancy guns or anything cool?
Jonas: Well, we’ve only completed a preliminary investigation… [Daniel and an airman descend into the Briefing Room].
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m sorry I’m late I, uh, [he looks at his watch] forgot what time the meeting was… [he half-laughs, then continue when all look at him in silence] It’s a little joke there. It’s the memory thing…
General George Hammond: Dr. Jackson, this briefing is classified.
Daniel: Yeah, Jonas mentioned that, but, uh, you all said that I used to be a part of this, so…look, I can’t really give you a good reason, I just…feel like I should be here.
General Hammond: Good enough. [Daniel walks over and takes a seat next to Sam at the table.]
Daniel: Beside, who am I gonna tell? I mean, I don’t, uh, I don’t remember anybody, right?
Jack: Good one.
Daniel: Thanks, Jim.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
General George Hammond is waiting at the end of the ramp and the wormhole is active. SG-1 – all five members – steps through the even horizon.
General Hammond: Welcome back, Dr. Jackson.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Thank you. Thank you very much. [He looks around the ‘gate room as though he’s never seen it before.]
General Hammond: You have no memory of who I am?
Daniel: None whatsoever.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Neither do I, sir. [Hammond gives Jack a look. Jack looks toward the exit and gestures to Daniel] Uh, that way. [Both Daniel and Jack head toward the exit.] Did I mention you owe me 50 bucks?
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Carter…Shamda here was just telling me a story about…a dog and some dancing monkeys.
Shamda: The moral of which is appearances can be deceptive.
Jack: (putting a hand on Shamda’s shoulder) I got that. Very good story, wonderful. Full of nuances, I like that.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Daniel?
Khordib: Arrom.
Jack: Arrom?
Khordib: It’s what we call him.
Shamda: It means naked one.
Khordib: That’s how we found him in the forest, two moons ago.
Major Pierce: Seems he doesn’t remember who he is.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Jonas Quinn: I got it.
Major Samantha Carter: Hopefully, it’s not contagious.
Warehouse 13, Beyond Our Control
Pete Lattimer: ‘kay, so while were dodging tomatoes what are you gonna do?
Arthur (Artie) Nielsen: SIS: Salinger Inventory Scan. If an artifact is AWOL the SIS will ID it.
Pete: Salinger like the author?
Claudia Donovan: RTFM, dude.
Pete: RTFM? Oh, Read The (head bob) Manual. I like that.
Claudia & Myka Bering: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Haaa Haaa!
Arrrrrr… Piratical Stargate
Stargate Atlantis, Prodigal, Quote
Colonel John Sheppard: Alright. We’re giving Michael no quarter. You get a shot at him, take it. Make sure he’s dead.
Martin Wood Stargate Cameo Appearances
Just like his fellow director Peter DeLuise, Martin Wood appeared Hitchock like in the episodes he directed. Here’s his list. In the beginning you could just look for the big wrench and there was Sgt Siler and Martin Wood. But eventually the big wrench got the kibosh from “upstairs” and Martin was harder to find. I’m sure this will be an ongoing project as well.
Nemesis (3.20) – Major Wood
Small Victories (4.1) – Major Wood
Upgrades (4.3) – Major Wood
Divide and Conquer (4.5) – Major Wood
Watergate (4.7) – Major Wood
Scorched Earth (4.9) – Major Wood
Serpent’s Venom (4.14) – Major Wood
Chain Reaction (4.15) – Major Wood
Enemies (5.1) – Major Wood
Red Sky (5.5) – Major Wood
Beast of Burden (5.7) – Villager
Wormhole X-treme! (5:12) – NID Man (Man in Black)
Wormhole X-treme! (5.12) – Major Wood
Summit (5.15) – Major Wood
Menace (5.19) – Major Wood
Revelations (5.22) – Major Wood
Redemption: Part 1 (6.1) – Major Wood
Redemption: Part 2 (6:2) – Technician
The Other Guys (6.8) – Major Wood
The Changeling (6.19) – Major Wood
Full Circle (6.22) – Major Wood
Fallen (7.1) – Major Wood
Orpheus (7.4) – Major Wood
Revisions (7.5) – Major Wood
Avenger 2.0 (7.9) – Major Wood
Fallout (7.14) – Major Wood
Lost City: Part 2 (7.22) – Major Wood
Reckoning (8:16 or 17) – Major Wood
200 (10.6) – Director
Peter DeLuise Stargate Cameo Appearances
I went looking for a list of Peter DeLuise’s cameo appearances on Stargate SG-1, supposedly he is in every episode he directed, and found a bunch of them… but not all in one place. This is an on going project to get them all in 1 list. This list is from various places on the web plus me watching the show. I’m sure this will be a work in progress.
Show & Tell (2.20) – Machine Gun Guard
Point of View (3.6) – Voice or Interrogator
Demons (3.8) – Villager
Urgo (3.16) – Urgo in uniform
The Other Side (4.2) – Airman
Crossroads (4.4) – Tok’ra Guard
Window of Opportunity (4.6) – Airman helping Daniel
Beneath the Surface – (4.10) – sleeping worker
Tangent (4.12) – Guard
Absolute Power (4.17) – Security Forces Guard
Threshold (5.2) – Not really a cameo… PD is spelled out in candles
Rite of Passage (5.6) – Security Forces Guard
The Tomb (5.8) – Russian Officer
2001 (5.10) – Technician
Wormhole X-Treme! (5.12) – The Director
Summit (5.15) – Voice of Svarog
Last Stand (5.16) – Voice of Svarog
The Sentinel (5.20) – Voice of Svarog
The Warrior (5.18) – Jaffa
Redemption: Part 2 (6.2) – Lieutenant
Descent (6.3) – Lieutenant Dagwood
Nightwalkers (6.5) – Man leaving Cafe, possessed town citizen
Shadow Play (6.7) – Security Forces Guard
Memento (6.20) – Technician
Fragile Balance (7.3) – Loki (voice)
Orpheus (7.4) – Penhall
Revisions (7.5) – Technician
Threads (8.18) – Airman
Off the Grid (9.16) – Security Forces Guard
Camelot (9.20) Voice of Kvasir
200 (10.6) – Wormhole X-Treme Replacement Actor, Gavin Marlowe