Kari Byron: I think the idea of talking to your plants is some foolish, hippy crystal gripping nonsense and it absolutely has no effect on your plants.
Kari Byron
Mythbusters Quotes
Well, here’s your problem.
–Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, Various Episodes
Mythbusters Quote
Adam Savage: I think this is the strangest position I’ve ever been in on this show.
Kari Byron: [quietly] Notice how he qualifies it with “on this show.”
Mythbusters, Confederate Rocket, Quote
Kari Byron: [making the gun cotton for the confederate rocket myth] Ok, we’re gonna add a half ounce of [Donkey sound] to ounce of [Rooster sound] slowly!
Robert Lee, Narrator: When you add donkey to rooster you get a violent reaction.
Mythbusters, Shooting Fish in a Barrel, Quote
I think tequilla is a cure for hot spicy mouth the way it’s a cure for ugly… just numbs it a little. [Pointing to Grant wearing a sombreo playing air guitar on a broom.]
–Kari Byron