Jeremy Clarkson: The weak point of the modern car is the squidgy organic bit behind the wheel.
Jeremy Clarkson
Top Gear, Series 14, Ep. 6 – Bolivia Special
Series 14 Episode 6 (118 show) original air date 12-27-09.
The Bolivia Special
Richard Hammond: We’re close to the equator.
Jeremy Clarkson: We’re very close to it. Perhaps we’re on it.
Richard: No we can’t be. We’d see it … a big dotted line.
Top Gear – Middle East Special
2010 Special (126 show) original air date 12/26/10
Middle East Special
Jeremy Clarkson: This is an outrage. This is just astonishing, this road. I want to marry it and have it’s babies.
Top Gear Series 13, Ep. 2
Series 13, Episode 2 (107 show) original air date 06/28/09
What is the perfect car for 17 year olds for £2,500?
[after equiping a Volvo wagon wagon with a water lie-low (mattress) with a leopard print throw and some shag bumpers.]
Jeremy Clarkson: [reading from the card] “‘The Festival Test’: You’ve been at Glastenbury for the weekend, it’s finished, and now it’s a straight race to see who can pack all their camping equipment and stuff into their car and get out of the park.” How hard can it be?
Richard Hammond: Don’t say that!
[after the guys begin packing]
Jeremy: Guys! Problem!
Richard: What?
Jeremy: I’ve shoved my “anarchy” flag through my water lie-low.
Richard: Noboby’s ever said that before.
Top Gear Series 15, Ep. 2
Series 15, Episode 2 (121 show) original air date 07/27/10
The team attempts to find a second-hand sports saloon that is suitable for everyday tasks and track days on a budget of £5,000.
[On the German Stig]
James May: No, hang on.
Jeremy Clarkson: Oh, my, giddy aunt.
Richard Hammond: Mullet.
James: I think he might be Stiggy Ray Cyrus.
Top Gear Series 15, Ep. 4
Series 15, Episode 4 (123 show) original air date 07/18/10
The team attempts to find a solution to the problem of the caravan, by building motorhomes on the back of a Land Rover 110, a Citroën CX, and a Lotus Excel.
Jeremy Clarkson: The thing in my nose has a face!
Top Gear Series 14, Ep 6.
Series 14, Episode 6 (118 show) original air date 12/27/09
The Bolivia Special
Richard Hammond: Did your co-presenter on your television programme just attack you with a machete?
Jeremy Clarkson: Yes, he did. He came to the window quite cross because I ran into him.
Richard: That doesn’t happen on clothes programmes or gardening shows.
Top Gear Quote
Jeremy Clarkson: Speed has never killed anyone – suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.