Hu’rak: No matter what you have endured, you’ve never experienced the likes of what Anubis is capable of.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: You ended that sentence with a preposition, bastard.
Jack O'Neill
Stargate SG-1, Threshold, Quote
[Teal’c has started hallucinating about his wife]
Teal’c: Do not test my temper, woman.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Woman? Did he just call me a woman?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Yes, I believe he did.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Woman? Did he just call me a woman?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Yes, I believe he did.
Stargate SG-1, Prodigy, Quote
Teal’c: Are you ready, O’Neill?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: No. Give me a warning.
[Teal’c activates a zat and aims at O’Neill]
Teal’c: I am going to shoot you.
Jack: I was thinking more along the lines of “on three”. One…
[Teal’c shoots O’Neill with the zat. O’Neill collapses to the floor. Dr. Lee waves an ammonia capsule by his nose.]
Jack: [in a great deal of pain] Two…God, I said on three. God.
Stargate SG-1, Window of Opportunity, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [Stuck in a continous time loop with Teal’c] If it were just me, I’d agree, but what about Teal’c? Come on, is this the face of a crazy man?
[He points to Teal’c who impassively stares at Hammond. Hammond looks at O’Neill.]
Jack: Bad example…