Major Samantha Carter: Wait a minute…are you saying the Ancients actually lost one of their own cities?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: No, no…they didn’t lose it. They – they made it lost…to other people that might try to find it. I’m guessing that they camouflaged it…and removed all reference to it from the written history.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: So…the lost city is…still lost?
Daniel: I’m pretty sure.
Jack: You know, you told me to give Anubis that eye.
Sam: According to reports from our allies, Anubis is quickly conquering the other system lords.
Teal’c: He will dominate the galaxy in a very short time.
Jack: I only did it because you said we could whup his ass with what we find in this lost city.
Daniel: Wa-if I said that, then I-I hope it’s…true, but…but all I know is that the place you’re searching right now is not it.
Jack: Then…where is “it”?
Daniel: Did I just say “all I know”?
Jack: Everyone turn away. I want no witnesses.
Daniel Jackson
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Jonas Quinn: At this point, uh, we believe that we’ve mapped the full extent of the ruins.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: No…fancy guns or anything cool?
Jonas: Well, we’ve only completed a preliminary investigation… [Daniel and an airman descend into the Briefing Room].
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m sorry I’m late I, uh, [he looks at his watch] forgot what time the meeting was… [he half-laughs, then continue when all look at him in silence] It’s a little joke there. It’s the memory thing…
General George Hammond: Dr. Jackson, this briefing is classified.
Daniel: Yeah, Jonas mentioned that, but, uh, you all said that I used to be a part of this, so…look, I can’t really give you a good reason, I just…feel like I should be here.
General Hammond: Good enough. [Daniel walks over and takes a seat next to Sam at the table.]
Daniel: Beside, who am I gonna tell? I mean, I don’t, uh, I don’t remember anybody, right?
Jack: Good one.
Daniel: Thanks, Jim.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
General George Hammond is waiting at the end of the ramp and the wormhole is active. SG-1 – all five members – steps through the even horizon.
General Hammond: Welcome back, Dr. Jackson.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Thank you. Thank you very much. [He looks around the ‘gate room as though he’s never seen it before.]
General Hammond: You have no memory of who I am?
Daniel: None whatsoever.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Neither do I, sir. [Hammond gives Jack a look. Jack looks toward the exit and gestures to Daniel] Uh, that way. [Both Daniel and Jack head toward the exit.] Did I mention you owe me 50 bucks?
Stargate SG-1, The Fourth Horseman Part 2 , Quote
Prior: We are beacons on the road to enlightenment.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: No, you’re dark-side intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen. Unfortunately, the home office hasn’t been quite upfront with you.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Nice work on the metaphor.
Mitchell: Thank you.
Stargate SG-1, The Fourth Horseman Part 2 , Quote
[The Prior stands and notices Daniel Jackson and Cameron Mitchell standing at the outer edge of the competition circle. Mitchell casually holds the Prior’s staff.]
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: [tossing staff from hand to hand] You looking for this?
[The Prior reaches out. Mitchell fakes the staff being released from his grasp. SG-22 and the Sodan raise their weapons.]
Mitchell: Whoa! [Mitchell pulls the staff back confidently.] No. That’s not going to work.
[The Prior looks very confused.]
Dr. Daniel Jackson: That warm, fuzzy feeling you’re experiencing may be the effects of a device that inhibiting your ability to concentrate and focus your powers.
Mitchell: Symptoms may include dizziness, irritability…
Daniel: Nausea.
Mitchell: Mild nausea, and a condition known as hot dog fingers. [Mitchell waggles his fingers in demonstration.]
Prior: It makes no difference what you do to me. But know this, the Ori are all seeing.
[Mitchell and Daniel look at the sky in false expectation. Haikon and Jolan look at each other and shake their heads.]
Prior: They are already aware of this affront to their eminence, and shall strike down those who dare to defy them.
Mitchell: Nothing yet. You?
Daniel: Drawing a blank.
[The Prior watches them incredulously.]
Daniel: A little thirsty.
Mitchell: That doesn’t count.
Daniel: No, it doesn’t.
Stargate SG-1, Ethon, Quote
Senator Jarrod Kane: [in disbelief] Don’t you ever give up?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: [sighing] Not until I’m dead. [pauses] And sometimes not even then.
Stargate SG-1, Moebius: Part 2, Quote
[versions of Jack O’Neill, Samantha Carter and Teal’c have travelled back in time to Egypt in the year 2995 B.C. where they meet the Daniel Jackson of the original timeline]
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Well, this can’t be a good sign.
Alternate Col. Jack O’Neill: Why’s that?
Daniel: Where am I?
Alternate Jack: Ancient Egypt?
Daniel: No, I mean the me from your timeline.
Alternate Teal’c: I killed you.
Daniel: Why?
Alternate Teal’c: You were a Goa’uld spy.
Daniel: [matter of factly] Good reason.
Stargate SG-1, Sacrifices, Quote
[O’Neill and Daniel are walking side by side down a corridor.]
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Teal’c and Bra’tac believe that the only way to eliminate all of the System Lords is to recruit as many Jaffa into the Fifth Column as possible. Now only when their numbers are sufficient would it be possible to rise up and unilaterally destroy all the Goa’uld at once. Even then, Ba’al controls the Super Soldier army, which cannot be turned.
[A voice announces an incoming wormhole as the lights and sirens signal.]
Daniel: So even if the rebel Jaffa can someday take out the majority of the System Lords, there’d still be a massive war to fight. The problem is though, Ishta doesn’t wanna wait. Moloc is continuing to order the deaths of all female Jaffa born in his domain. And her underground railroad to Haktyl can’t save them all.
[O’Neill starts to go down the wrong corridor but then turns back and catches up with Daniel.]
Daniel: Even now she’s organizing a rebellion to overthrow Moloc. Now Teal’c and Bra’tac are trying to convince her to see the bigger picture.
Brigadier General Jack O’Neill: What was my question again?
Daniel: Um, “How’s it going?”
Jack: It seemed so innocuous at the time.
Stargate SG-1, Homecoming: Part 2, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: What’s your situation?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m hiding. What’s yours?
Jack: Carter and I are on the planet.
Daniel: You’re gonna have to be a little more specific, Jack. I haven’t had a chance to look out a window lately.
Jack: You’re hovering over Jonas’ home world.
Daniel: Why?
Jack: I wish I knew. Are you in any immediate danger?
Daniel: Depends what you mean by immediate.
Jack: Daniel!
Daniel: I’m fine. I got a location on Jonas’ cell from the ship’s computer. I’m on my way there right now. I just gotta couple of problems.
Jack: Like what?
Daniel: Well, I’m not sure how to shut off the force field protecting his cell, yet.
Jack: You said a couple?
Daniel: Yeah, actually, I’m a little lost at the moment. And I’ve only got about, uh, three hours left before the Tok’ra isotope wears off and I’m visible to the ships sensors.
Jack: So business as usual then, huh?
Daniel: I dunno. Is it?
Jack: Yes, we do this kinda thing all the time.
Daniel: Oh well, good. That’s-that’s comforting, then.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [Daniel, human again after being ascended, has no recollection of who he is] You were a member of my team, SG-1. You’re a friend of mine. Last year, you died.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m dead?
Jack: Obviously not. You just sort of died. Actually, you…ascended to a higher plane of existence. Last time I saw you, you were helping us fight Anubis.
Daniel: Anubis?
Jack: Yeah. Kind of an over-the-top, cliché bad guy. Black cloak, oily skin, kind of spooky. Anyway, obviously since then, you’ve retaken human form, somehow. I- (He stops and shakes his head.) Actually, I can understand how this might sound a bit unusual…
Daniel: A bit? …