Master Bra’tac: The shield generators are far below. There, in the very bowels of the ship. We must climb down several decks, through the length of the ship. Then, taking our weapons, we must… [O’Neill pulls the pins on two hand-grenades and drops them into the shield generators, blowing them up.]
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Grenades.
Teal’c: This vessel is no longer protected by an energy field.
Captain Samantha Carter: So that’s it?
Teal’c: That is it.
Jack: I think what the Captain is asking is, “What now?”
Bra’tac: Now we die.
Jack: Well that’s a bad plan. Where are the glider bays from here?
Stargate SG-1, Maternal Instinct, Quote
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Jack, he’s speaking in the Zen codes. Whatever theology he follows may be an original basis for Buddhism on Earth.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Well that’s very nice. I’ll be sure to call the Dalai Lama when we get home. But for now, how about why we came here.
Daniel [to the Monk]: He’s right, this is very important. Is there a child here?
Monk: There is a child in all of us.
Jack: Oh come on.
Master Bra’tac [to the Monk]: He seeks a real human boy, of flesh and bones.
Monk: Those who seek oneness, find all that they seek.
[Bra’tac nods his understanding while Jack continues to look bewildered.]
Daniel: I think this is gonna take a while.
Jack: Really? What gives you that idea?