Eliot Spencer: You feelin’ confident?
Alec Hardison: Nooot really.
Eliot: Good, ’cause over confidence will kill you faster than a bullet any day. Fear is good.
Hardison: Oh, I have fear, and doubt, and really serious regrets. I should be fine.
Eliot: Alright. Get ready then.
Alec Hardison
Leverage, The Long Way Down Job
Nathan Ford: No. You are emotionally involved. It leads to bad decisions.
Alec Hardison: I’m sorry. Did you just say that? With a straight face?
Nate: Not helpful. Not helpful at all.
Leverage, The Long Way Down Job
Alec Hardison: Ok. Fine. I, ah, just, ah, think I should keep an eye on you.
Parker: Keep an eye on me?
Hardison: Well, not you. You and Eliot. It’s a dangerous mountain. There could be some polar bear or some ill tempered Eskimos. Like….