Adam Savage: [speaking of duct tape] Well, it’s like the Force. It’s got a light side and a dark side and it binds the whole universe together.
Adam Savage
Doesn’t he have better things to do with his time?
I won’t normally comment on politics. It’s just way too easy to offend just about everyone with a simple statement like “In my opinion, the President was wearing an ugly tie today.” Even though it’s my opinion, it just starts a flame war. I just agree that I disagree with people and leave it at that. I have my opinions on our government and I vote. I work for a local government and I am an elected official.
Ok. So my Beloved David was watching the news last night and the President of the United State is taking time out of his busy to announce his upcoming appearance on Muthbusters. And not only did he drag the Mythbusters (Jamie & Adam) all the way across the country for this press conference – he had his speech writers write him up a speech (because we all know this man doesn’t say hello without having a speech written) and he stopped his entire day to announce his upcoming appearance on a Reality TV show.
WTF! Doesn’t this man have better things to do with his time? Isn’t our economy in the tank? Don’t we have a health care crisis? Shouldn’t our Pretender & Thief be concentrating on these things rather than appearing on TV? And not even a news or a talk show – a reality TV show. Come on. Puh-LEASE!
I think Obama is putting the Mythbusters in a very awkward position. Not once in all of thier 8 season have the Mythbusters mentioned politics or religion. They have been very careful to keep their opinions off the show. As a matter of fact you don’t know if they are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian or Martian. You don’t know if they are Christian, Hindu or Buddist. But now, by forcing an appearing on the TV show Mythbusters our Pretender & Thief is making it seem like the Mythbusters are endorcing him and therefore his policies and his activities. Obama is being very unfair – but that doesn’t matter to him.
The Mythbusters are revisiting the Archimedes Death Ray. Again. For the 3rd time. I think that this is wrong myth for this show. I really think they should be revisiting the myth from the “End with a Bang” show. It’s where Jamie & Adam go to the zoo, gather various poop sample and attempt to polish it. Jamie took lion. Adam took giraffe. Yeah, the Polish a Turd myth would be appropriate, in my opinion, as I think our President is full of it. They proved once that you can polish a turd and they’d be able to prove it again. As my favorite Woozle says, “Polish a turd it’s still a turd.”
Mythbusters, Jet Pack, Quote
Adam Savage: The hard part about doing two is that once you finish one you’re only half way there.
Mythbusters, Jaws Special, Quote
Adam Savage: [holding an original floatation barrel from the movie Jaws] The only thing we’re told we can’t do is burn them, blow them up, or lose them!
Salvatore “Tory” Belleci: Has he watched the show?
Mythbusters, What Is Bulletproof?, Quote
Jamie Hyneman: Good shot, Adam!
Adam Savage: Thank you, Uncle Jamie.
Mythbusters, Ninja Special, Quote
Adam Savage: [Fake arrow on his head] Coming up, could a ninja snatch an arrow out of the air?
Jamie Hyneman: Sorry about that, man.
Adam: That’s okay.
Mythbusters, Exploding Port-a-Potty, Quote
Scottie Chapman: Maybe it’s a myth that methane is flammable.
Adam Savage: It’s not a myth. We’re just idiots.
Mythbusters Opening Sequence
Adam Savage: Remember, don’t try this at home.
Jamie Hyneman: We’re what you call “experts.”
Mythbusters, Levitation Machine, Quote
Adam Savage: [Christine and Tory Belleci tape pizza boxes to Adam’s arms] We’re at the Icarus part of the evening. I think you know what happened to Icarus!
Mythbusters, Walking on Water, Quote
Come, Silent Walrus, let us storm the castle!
–Adam Savage