{Colonel O’Neill walks up and knocks on the door.]
General George Hammond: Come in.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: General, I’d like to talk to you about this mission upon which we are about to embark. Seems a bit…ridiculous doesn’t it?
Hammond: Have you met General Ryan?
General Michael E. Ryan: Hello, Colonel.
Jack: The General Ryan? Chief of Staff?
Ryan: That’s right.
[Jack looks stunned.]
Jack: [low, to Hammond] Shouldn’t there have been a memo or something?
Hammond: You were off world.
Jack: Ahh yeah. So what brings you to our little secret base, sir?
Ryan: That would be the ridiculous mission you just mentioned.
Jack: Of course.
Hammond: I’m proposing that M4C-862 become a permanent research station. I’d like you to make an assessment.
Jack: The General Ryan?
Ryan: I’ve read a lot about you, Colonel, from General Hammond’s reports.
Jack: Yes, sir?
Ryan: Thus far we like your work.
Jack: Thank you, sir. I like yours. Your Air Force. The Air Force. I love the Air Force.
Hammond: Anything else Colonel?
Jack: No, sir. Well, actually I’d like to know how Daniel and Carter got out of this…very important mission?
Hammond: Dr. Jackson is offworld with SG-11. Major Carter is giving a lecture at the Air Force Academy in theoretical astrophysics. If you’d care to take her place…?
Jack: No.
Hammond: Then you’re dismissed.
Jack: Thank you, sir. Sirs. Si…Both of you.
[Jack leaves.]
Ryan: Got your hands full with that one, eh, George?: