Dr. Daniel Jackson: Jack, the markings on the wall are a language. It’s a Bible. Uh, no, actually it’s more of a instruction book on how to reach this ethereal plane of existence, some kind of other world. It’s only natural the Jaffa who found this place would have interpreted it as passage to the afterlife.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Whoa, slow down there Grasshopper.
Daniel : Ok, I’m pretty sure this place was built by an alien race a millennia ago. They may have even visited Earth and inspired the mythologies surrounding the concept of Mother Nature in various cultures.
Jack: So this guy’s an alien?
Daniel: No. Um, I’m pretty sure the aliens discovered a means by which they could ascend to some higher plane of existence and went there…uh, wherever there is. But they left their writings in a shrine as a kind of map for others who wanted to follow them. The Monk is someone who has taken up curatorship.
Jack: Kind of janitor?
Daniel: More of a guide.
Jack: An usher?