Colonel Jack O’Neill: What’s your situation?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m hiding. What’s yours?
Jack: Carter and I are on the planet.
Daniel: You’re gonna have to be a little more specific, Jack. I haven’t had a chance to look out a window lately.
Jack: You’re hovering over Jonas’ home world.
Daniel: Why?
Jack: I wish I knew. Are you in any immediate danger?
Daniel: Depends what you mean by immediate.
Jack: Daniel!
Daniel: I’m fine. I got a location on Jonas’ cell from the ship’s computer. I’m on my way there right now. I just gotta couple of problems.
Jack: Like what?
Daniel: Well, I’m not sure how to shut off the force field protecting his cell, yet.
Jack: You said a couple?
Daniel: Yeah, actually, I’m a little lost at the moment. And I’ve only got about, uh, three hours left before the Tok’ra isotope wears off and I’m visible to the ships sensors.
Jack: So business as usual then, huh?
Daniel: I dunno. Is it?
Jack: Yes, we do this kinda thing all the time.
Daniel: Oh well, good. That’s-that’s comforting, then.