Colonel Jack O’Neill: I was sure that was an Asprin I took this morning.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Jack it’s really me. It’s me. You have to help. You have to find the Eye of Ra before Anubis does. I mean keep it, hide it, destroy it, whatever. It doesn’t matter. We don’t have much time.
Jack: Hey, Daniel. How you doin’? Long time. How are things in the higher planes?
[Daniel turns away from O’Neill, grimaces, then turns back.]
Daniel: Hey Jack, long time no see. H…h…h…how you doing?
Jack: Fine, just fine.
Daniel: The knees? The back? Everything’s…
Jack: Oh you know, kind of weather contingent actually.
Daniel: Right, right, right, right, so, what’s new?
Jack: Uhm…actually a funny thing happened to me, today. I’m riding an elevator and an old friend of mine, someone who never calls, never writes…
[Daniel rolls his eyes.]
Jack: …just shows up and tells me all about this very important and apparently urgent mission that needs my attention.