Jonas Quinn: At this point, uh, we believe that we’ve mapped the full extent of the ruins.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: No…fancy guns or anything cool?
Jonas: Well, we’ve only completed a preliminary investigation… [Daniel and an airman descend into the Briefing Room].
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m sorry I’m late I, uh, [he looks at his watch] forgot what time the meeting was… [he half-laughs, then continue when all look at him in silence] It’s a little joke there. It’s the memory thing…
General George Hammond: Dr. Jackson, this briefing is classified.
Daniel: Yeah, Jonas mentioned that, but, uh, you all said that I used to be a part of this, so…look, I can’t really give you a good reason, I just…feel like I should be here.
General Hammond: Good enough. [Daniel walks over and takes a seat next to Sam at the table.]
Daniel: Beside, who am I gonna tell? I mean, I don’t, uh, I don’t remember anybody, right?
Jack: Good one.
Daniel: Thanks, Jim.