It’s been an odd day.  It must be because I’m getting older.  I know 3 families that have lost love ones today.  One is an on-line friend in England – she lost her father to cancer. Another is an on-line “brother” who just happened to have a different mother & father – his ex-wife (who he was still friends with) passed from cancer. And the final was one of the members of my church.  They say these things come in threes – they did today. 

 Well because I made it through today (or at least until now) I thought I should say thank you to the friends in my life who have mean something to me.  Some are new friends, some are old friends who have come back, and some are old friends who have just stuck around.  Any way you look at it you guys are all AWESOME in your own way and have made a big difference in my life.

 And this is not a complete list by any means.  If I’ve left someone off – it wasn’t on purpose. I just picked a handful of folks.  And it doesn’t mean that, if you’ve been left off, you mean any less than those on the list.  And I’ll warn you, this is going to get a bit sentimental and probably a bit sappy.

 I’m not going to say anything about Mom & Dad. Besides, without them I wouldn’t be here to write this and they are the most wonderful parents in the world.  And I’m not saying anything about my David… he’s got his own post.

 Ready?  And we’re walking….

 We will start with my oldest and dearest friend David. I met David in 1972 in first grade at High Street School.  What do you say about someone who you’ve known for 86% of your life?  I’m allowed to call him David basically because I’ve been doing it for 86% of his life.  It’s hard to change.  He is wonderful. He’s always reached out to me no matter what. He took me to the Who concert… and we were close enough to see Rodger Daltry’s earring.  How cool is that?!  Even if we missed a couple of years of each other lives we could always catch up.  He’s always been one of the pillars in my life, maybe slightly hidden, but always there.  I love him.

 Eric & Ruthann.  I’ve known Eric since at least 1980ish.  We went to Summer Science with Mrs. K before that, but didn’t really know each other.  Eric & I have made it through 2 marriages, 2 divorces, and finding “the one.”  He was the rock of my world for the longest time. I knew without hesitation that he was there.  I could call him no matter when – 2 am, 4 am, whenever.  And he met the most amazing woman.  I always used to tease him, we’d end up 50 and divorced and back together again.  And I’m thrilled to say that is not going to come true.  I’m sorry I missed so much time with them.  I will always adore Eric & Ruthann.

 Mare.  What can I say? I love her to pieces.  We’ve been through it all. Friends, not so friends, friends.  I read a quote once, about friends walking away and getting back together, and being better friends because of it.  Sophomore year is when we met.  Of high school, that is.  It was great to have classes with her, because she always got out early from classes and needed someone to help her carry her books.  And she had the key to the elevator!  I’m so lucky to know her.  She’s introduced me to some of the most interesting folks.  Mare has always been on of those who’s been there in good & bad times.  Some day we’ll be little old ladies looking back and laughing at the years.  And I want to say Thank you to Anthony for loving Mare & making her happy.

I have the best bosses in the world.  Ray, who I will miss, was so wonderful.  He has a wonderful wife, 3 wonderful daughters & many grandkids.  Hey!  He was so proud of his girls & their kids.  And he ALWAYS had a funny story and loved to laugh.  My direct boss is wonderful too.  He also has a wonderful wife, 2 wonderful kids & 4 grandkids of whom his is so proud.  I’ve learned a lot from Bob & Ray.  I think I have, anyway.  Patience, forgiveness & holding my tongue.  Although that last one still needs a little work.  I am lucky to have been part of both of their lives over the last 13 years.

 Auditor Ed.  Thank you for not making it personal.  Thank you for listening & teaching to make me a better at what I do.

 Nealla.  What can I say about Nealla.  She’s type A nuts!  And I love her intensity.  She is exceedingly good at what she does and could be the head of her department… but she’d rather do what she’s doing.  She’s drug me into a FF league – which is a blast – and into helping her with the election. No, I did not volunteer to help, (ok maybe I did!).  I’m really glad our paths crossed.  She’s added fun (and some comp-time) to my life!

Pastor Avery & GWM.  My church family.  What can I say.  We are part of an amazing wonderful church family.  I have been introduced to some amazing, amazing preachers (the Cuthbertson’s (all of them!), Minister Burrows & his beautiful wife, Minister Murray, and many more). I have learned much from all.  The McKim’s, the Reeves, Sister Jones & her elegant, gorgeous (mind, body & soul) daughter Desiree, Aunt Anna & Deacon Anderson.  They have accepted me with all my faults and flaws.  I love them all.

 Which leads naturally to Elaine.  One of the nicest, easy going, sweet, wonderful ladies I know!  Amazingly patient. I just love her. And she introduced me to the 2nd most awesome fries – Sloppy Joe Fries.  She’s taught me a whole lot about patience… the ability to not worry about situations, they will always get better. I don’t know any one who has a more positive attitude. And grace in the face of adversity. She’s just amazing.

Bob & Cozy.  Mare introduced me to Bob, who introduced me to his wife.  What a cool couple!  Very, very cool!  They are both incredibly interesting and fun!  I’ve learned quite a bit from Bob… or laughed my butt off at his e-mails.  And I’m looking forward to eating spaghetti with chopsticks with Cozy. 

 Michelle.  What can I say about Michelle.  She is awesome fun! I love her.  We went to high school together, but went friends.  I think I missed out on some fun.  But that’s ok.  We are playing high school on FB these days.  (insert eye roll here)  She is a strong and intense person.  Another type A – in a good way!  I really enjoy her company.  We’ve had some good giggles on FB and she’s really inspired me to blog more than just TV quotes.  She one of those people who is instantly your friend.  She’s not afraid to speak her mind, and is willing to listen.  I’m really glad she friended me on FB.  I’m lucky to be able to call her friend!

 There’s one person who I’m really not supposed to be friend with – Christy.  She is married to a great guy who I dated in high.  When he met her in college he fell absolutely head over heels in love with her.  And I am incredibly lucky to call her friend. She is just so wonderful.  It just goes to show that intelligent & charming women can always agree on the good things in life.  And one of those things is she & her beloved husband are the cutest couple and are totally 100% meant to be.  And I’m just blessed to have them as friends.

 Arnold.  What can I say?  You are an AMAZING Dad!  I am very sorry.  You deserved better from me.  Thank you for giving me a second chance to be your friend.  I am looking forward to meeting your Becca some day soon.  You are very talented artist.  Don’t give it up.

 Doug.  I met Doug on FB because of the Mythbusters.  Doug is a scream.  He has made me laugh – a lot.  I’m very glad I met him.  He has introduced me to a bunch of fun and wonderful people.  One of these day’s I’ve got to meet him up close and personal.  Doug kept me company when I needed to be distracted.  Thank you Doug for being there for me.

Greg & Kathy.  Another Mythbusters find.  Greg & I “talked” on FB and he asked if it would be OK if he called.  20 minutes later I hear “G’day!”  Greg & Kathy are just wonderful people.  I was thrilled to get to meet them (I still feel bad I was so late!) live and in person.  Greg was another one who gave me a distraction when I needed it.  Kathy is just an absolutely delightful lady.  Thank you both for the offer to go “down under” and visit you!  I can’t wait to take you up on it.  They are a lovely, lovely couple and I am lucky to be able to call them friend.

 We’re coming to the end…

 Tina & Roxy.  I’m going to lump you 2 together because without Tina, I wouldn’t know my clan mate Roxy.  I met Tina over on the SPP boards when she was an Ambassador.  She’s cool, sexy, sassy and terrific.  And Roxy… what can I say.  She and I are family. Well, in a clan kind of a way.  Another amazing, sexy, sassy, cool, wonderful amazing woman!  I am so blessed to have met these guys through FB.  One of these days I’m going to meet both Roxy & Tina.  I love you both!

 And last but not least Law & Mynx.  2 amazing, amazing people.  I met Law through Doug.  Actually I think Doug said I should be friends with Law.  He was right.  Law is family too.  I’ve been adopted.  I love him a lot.  He helped me through a rough time because he understood completely what I was going through.  And I can’t say thank you enough for that.  And Mynx… she shared him with me.  That was just a wonderful gift.  I can’t thank her enough for sharing her Beloved with me.  I was lucky enough to get to meet them both up close in person.  Law is sweet and kind.  I will miss him over here on the east coast, but I am happy he is back home.  He’s has been a blessing to my life.

 And that is the end of this list.  Please, please don’t be offended if you aren’t on the list.  This is not by any means a comprehensive list.  It’s just the people who popped into my head as I was typing.  And it’s not everyone who means something to me.

Ok. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and choice of religion. HOWEVER, the people for Westboro “Baptist Church” are not of God! There is no way. They propose hate. Hate for gays, hate for the military, hate for Jews (ummmm hate to tell them, Jesus was a Jew), hate for, hate for, hate for.  From Wikipedia “On Sundays, up to 15 churches may receive pickets.”  Ummmm, ‘cuse me? Why aren’t they IN church?  I’ve read bits that call them a cult. That’s more appropriate. 

Mark 12:31-2 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.  I guess they missed that one.

Enough about the nut jobs.  There are counter nuts.  The Patriot Guard Riders.  These ladies & gentlemen “have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security.”  “The Patriot Guard positions itself to physically shield the mourners from the presence of the Westboro protesters by blocking the protesters from view with their motorcade, or by having members hold American flags. The group also drowns out the protesters’ chants by singing patriotic songs or by revving motorcycle engines.”  is their website.

I can’t thank our veteran’s enough.  They are the reason the nut jobs can do what they do. Without them I wouldn’t have the wonderful freedoms I have. Our veteran’s are the ultimate hero’s. They deserve our unquestion support and respect.  So if you ever see the Patriot Guard’s out doing their thing – thank them. They are helping to protect those who protect us.

Kari Byron: I think the idea of talking to your plants is some foolish, hippy crystal gripping nonsense and it absolutely has no effect on your plants.

Since I can’t figure out how to update the existing file here’s the new update for my MyTown spreadsheet.  If you have any changes or updates to it let me know and we’ll do this again.  Actually we’ll do it again when I level up and can update my properties to level 22.


This is my story of how I became an unintentional Crazy Cat Lady.

I like animals.  If it’s furry, 4 legged and mammalian, it’s welcome in my house. Growing up I always had a cat and a dog.  I had the coolest dog growing up. Inky. My Grandfather rescued him from Paoli Pike (a busy 4 lane street) and when he passed away Mom & Dad inherited him.  Inky is a blog for another day.

Like I said, I didn’t intend to be a Crazy Cat Lady.  It just happened.  When David and I bought this house there were some outdoor kitties that were living on the porch.  We continued in Mr. Norton’s path and took care of them.  Well, one thing led to another and the next season there was a kitten who needed vet care and it was night. So we brought the little guy inside so we could get our hands on him to take him to the vet the next day.

Let me jump back. When we moved into the house I had 1 cat. 1 big black cat with an attitude.  She was used to be the only.  So we brought in the sick kitten we put it in a cage with a towel and some water and David went off to get some wet food for it.  Well the kitten wouldn’t stay in the cage.  So in order to keep this little Houdini (yes, he is my Butt) in the house David brought in his friends.  All all 6 of these kittens went into the bathroom.  TAH-DAH instant Crazy Cat Lady.  And it wasn’t my fault! I didn’t bring them in.

The unfortunate thing is once you have multiple cats, it’s easy to add just one more.

The good thing is … I live with a Crazy Cat Man.

Abby Sciuto: Yes, when I applied my own special and unique brand of chemical, ran it through the laser scanner a few times, we get… this.  The miracle that separates us from all other primates.  Really bad penmanship.

My girlfriend and I have been having a conversation about blogging. I modified this song in her honor 100% selfishness and only blogging about herself.

You logged onto Facebook
Like you were logging into the Pentagon
Your fingers strategically on the keyboard
Your laptop was very red
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself type
And all the girls dreamed that they’d be your friend
They’d be your friend, and

You’re so vain
You probably think this blog is about you
You’re so vain
I’ll bet you think this blog is about you
Don’t you? Don’t you?

You had me several months ago
When I was still quite naive
Well, you said that we made such good friends
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams they were butterflies instead of coffee
Butterflies instead of coffee, and

You’re so vain
You probably think this blog is about you
You’re so vain
I’ll bet you think this blog is about you
Don’t you? Don’t you?

I had some dreams they were butterflies instead of coffee
Butterflies instead of coffee, and

You’re so vain
You probably think this blog is about you
You’re so vain
I’ll bet you think this blog is about you
Don’t you? Don’t you?

Well, I hear you went up to Portland
And your horse naturally won
Then you drive your minivan up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well, you’re where you should be all the time
And when you’re not, you’re with
Some Facebook friend or the wife of a close friend
Wife of a close friend, and

You’re so vain
You probably think this blog is about you
You’re so vain
I’ll bet you think this blog is about you
Don’t you? Don’t you?

I hope you like.  Keep on blogging!


Adam Savage: [speaking of duct tape] Well, it’s like the Force. It’s got a light side and a dark side and it binds the whole universe together.

For those few of you who actually read my blog post I just wanted to explain why I post so many TV quotes.  When I go back and read them they make me happy.  And that basically it.  Thanks for reading and I hope the quotes make you smile too.

Major Samantha Carter: Wait a minute…are you saying the Ancients actually lost one of their own cities?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: No, no…they didn’t lose it. They – they made it lost…to other people that might try to find it. I’m guessing that they camouflaged it…and removed all reference to it from the written history.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: So…the lost city is…still lost?
Daniel: I’m pretty sure.
Jack: You know, you told me to give Anubis that eye.
Sam: According to reports from our allies, Anubis is quickly conquering the other system lords.
Teal’c: He will dominate the galaxy in a very short time.
Jack: I only did it because you said we could whup his ass with what we find in this lost city.
Daniel: Wa-if I said that, then I-I hope it’s…true, but…but all I know is that the place you’re searching right now is not it.
Jack: Then…where is “it”?
Daniel: Did I just say “all I know”?
Jack: Everyone turn away. I want no witnesses.