David got a delicious, yummy Perdue chicken from the Giant. It is REALLY good. It is moist and seasoned really well. Well, the cats think the same thing. As soon as David brought it in the house the cats started “velociraptoring” around the living room. Which means that they were moving around meowing and trying to get the chicken, hopping up on the chair that I was sitting in and being pushed off and hopping up on the coffee table and then the chair and then being pushed on the floor. They REALLY wanted some chicken, but it is too good to share – they can have the leftovers. If there are any. They do this when we have very fragrent meats. Stevie is the worst. Because he’s brain damaged, he’s got to be corrected over and over and over. And David isn’t real good at correcting him. I could be more consistant too. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh… kitties. If they were dogs what fun would they be?