Archive for the ‘TV trivia’ Category

Prior: We are beacons on the road to enlightenment.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: No, you’re dark-side intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen. Unfortunately, the home office hasn’t been quite upfront with you.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Nice work on the metaphor.
Mitchell: Thank you.

Colonel Jack O’Neill: But we also saved your little grey butts from the Replicators, and now we want your help. I’m not asking you to change the course of their cultural development! Just fix the damn sun! No one’ll know. [waving his hand in front of him] We won’t tell.
Chief Archon: Unfortunately, we cannot.
Jack: Okay, at the risk of sounding like the petulant inferior race…why not?
[The Asgard talk amongst themselves in their own language.]
Dr Daniel Jackson: [worried] “Little Grey Butts.”
Major Samantha Carter: Yeah.

Urgo: Yes, as in dead. They’re going to kill you. They’ll open your brains with a big, giant can opener and then they scoop me out with a big scoopy thing. That’s how it works. It’s death or me. Me or death. You’ve got to decide. Me or death.
[No one answers.]
Urgo: Well?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: We’re thinking

Notice that, just after Marshal Carter follows Lowjack through the forrest before Taggart shoots Carter with the dart gun, when Carter raises his hand as he’s saying “This is the creepiest this I…” he’s got the dart in his hand.

Trivia time.  In Purple Haze, after the Sheriff breaks up the fight between Fargo and Seth Osbourne Fargo says to his beta fish “Warren, tonight we sleep like King’s.”  This is a reference to the Pilot episode.  Warren King was the head of Global Dynamics.

Look at the logo for GD in the pilot, it’s a rounded GD, but in the episodes it’s triangular.  And they have that cool lit sign in front of the building.

I am a big Eureka fan.  I remember when they were plugging the series.  I thought it looked interesting, but had potential to be dumb.  But boy was I wrong.  I have the DVD of Season 1 and pop it in the DVD player when ever I need a little back ground distraction.  In other words, I over watch Season 1.  Coming in following posts are things that I’ve found.  Continuity error and just other random stuff.  By the way… there are probably spoilers if you’ve never watched.