Archive for the ‘Smileys’ Category










Growing up most kids have a favorite teddy bear.  Mine was a pink rabbit named… Lord, I can’t remember it’s name. I still have him.  He’s not so pink or furry any more.  He went everywhere with me.  Flopsy Rabbit.  It just came to me.  Flopsy has floppy ears.  My dog growing up, Peanut, ate one of Flopsy’s eyes and Mom replaced it with his nose.

But this isn’t about Flopsy.  This is about my current teddy bears.  I have 2.  One is named Houdini and one is named Irwin (after Steve Irwin the Croc Hunter).  They are cats.  I never was traditional in my teddy bear choices.  Oh… and there’s the whole… they’re alive thing too.  Irwin likes to lay up against me under the covers.  Snugged up against me.  And Houdini.  Well, he’s not happy unless he is laying on bear (excuse the pun) skin.  He likes to be up by my faces so I can pet him and then we go to sleep – Houdini in the teddy bear position.  I’m lucky.  They love me so.  Most of my cats are snuggle cats.  They like to be on you or have a paw on you.  Wellll… not you, unless you are my Beloved David, but me & him (him being David the founder of

One of the women at work sent out an e-mail… who wants to join a Fantasy Football team?  I’d been wanting to for a while… so I did. (Image the daring of me – joining!)  It’s an all girl league and it’s a hoot!  I’m not really into football, I’ve watched all of about 15 minutes of 1 game so far this year (week 6 or 7 – see I’m not into it) but you don’t have to be to play in a Fantasy League.  Ok a cavat on that last statement… if they are just in it for fun and not money.  Plus it gives me something to do Sunday after Church. 

All smiley’s are from unless otherwise noted.  Check ’em out, but give yourself sometime. There are 1055 smiley’s on this page.

Smiley’s should be happy.

I love my smiley’s!


Life isn’t like a box of chocolates.
It’s more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow.