Tonight on the way home both Mom & Dad Goose were at the pond. One was on the lawn and the other was in the water looking at the decoy like “don’t you do anything else besides sit there?” My guess it was Dad in the water, but hey… how do you tell a male from a female? I don’t think the decoy is going to stop them from having thier eggs there. Which is good. That’s the Goose Watch for now.
bird watching
Goose Watch
Ok. The house is for sale. And it there is a decoy in the shallow end of the pond. It was the one goose I kept seeing in the morning. I don’t see the pair in the AM. I guess they don’t get up before 10 am. I don’t know if they current owner’s are trying to drive off the geese of attract them. They do make a terrible mess. They don’t know how to use a litter box. Or in other words they “poop at will.” Fertilizer factory comes into mind. but on the bright side, I’ve never seen greener grass.
But the geese are still there. Last night on the drive home the kids were swimming in the pond. They were a bit distracted by the decoy… but they didn’t seem to be afraid of it. They kept looking at it like… do we go over and welcome him or what? I hope it doesn’t discourage them from nesting in the pond. And I hope the new owner’s are as wildlife friendly as the current owners. I didn’t get a real good look because there was a car behind me – and I mean RIGHT behind me. So… that’s the update for now. Maybe there will be more tonight.
Goose Watch – Day 2
On my way to work on Oak Tree Road there is a house that has a pond in the front yard. For the last 2 years (at least) there have been a pair of Canadian Geese who make their spring & summer home there. They raise their chicks and then leave to wing their way where ever it is that geese go in the summer. I was wondering if they were going to make it back this year and last night on the way home… Tah-Dah! There were Mom & Dad goose in the pond swimming side by side. Now comes the fun part… watching the nest building, egg laying and chick raising. Two years ago after the chicks were hatched I stopped and Dad “attacked” my car. Head down, wings up and hissing like a snake. It was kind of amusing to have a 20 lb goose attacking a 2 ton car… but he did in defense of his family. I moved on so I wouldn’t cause him too much distress.
This morning on my way to work, they weren’t doing anything yet… they were sleeping or eating in the shallow end of the pond. I didn’t get too good a look… I had a car behind me. I was starting to worry that Mom & Dad weren’t going to make it back this year. They are a bit late. I think.
David (founder of made a funny last night. We were talking about the geese and he said I wonder if the father’s name is Lou. I said I haven’t named them and I’m sure the family who owns the pond has named them… but Lou? He said… that way when the egg hatch and if there’s a boy in them he’d be… ready for this… it’s corny…. Louis Gossling, Jr. Well…. I think it’s funny. So now we have a name for Dad, we just need a good name for Mom. Or I could just keep calling them Mom & Dad. More later on The family Goose.
Oh… and there is no Day 1. I didn’t write anything last night – which would have been day 1.