OK let’s be blunt. Changing your cat’s diet can give them the stinkiest farts. My one cat Sam has this problem. He’s 3 years old and he still has problems when we change his food. When he was a kitten – if you changed his food it would give him diarrhea. Fortunately he grew out of that. But he still kicks out the silent stinkers! Or if he eats something when he’s outside – like a mouse. Oh boy… so if you have a cat or a kitten that has bad farts and you’ve recently changed his food that could be a problem. Give them a day or two to see if it gets better. If it doesn’t try switching to a premium food.
Also the better foods are better for the cat. Go figure. Iams … it’s ok. My favorite is Science Diet. The kitties tend to eat less of it – it’s got more nutrition and fills them up faster. I believe it’s called nutrient dense. There’s good news on that … less in, less out. They use the litter box less. And that is a great thing.
There is a down side. Premium food has a premium price. But if the cats are eating less they they bag of food will last longer. But it still costs more.