Colonel Jack O’Neill: What’s your situation?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m hiding. What’s yours?
Jack: Carter and I are on the planet.
Daniel: You’re gonna have to be a little more specific, Jack. I haven’t had a chance to look out a window lately.
Jack: You’re hovering over Jonas’ home world.
Daniel: Why?
Jack: I wish I knew. Are you in any immediate danger?
Daniel: Depends what you mean by immediate.
Jack: Daniel!
Daniel: I’m fine. I got a location on Jonas’ cell from the ship’s computer. I’m on my way there right now. I just gotta couple of problems.
Jack: Like what?
Daniel: Well, I’m not sure how to shut off the force field protecting his cell, yet.
Jack: You said a couple?
Daniel: Yeah, actually, I’m a little lost at the moment. And I’ve only got about, uh, three hours left before the Tok’ra isotope wears off and I’m visible to the ships sensors.
Jack: So business as usual then, huh?
Daniel: I dunno. Is it?
Jack: Yes, we do this kinda thing all the time.
Daniel: Oh well, good. That’s-that’s comforting, then.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Khordib: He is Jaffa.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: No, but he plays one on TV.
Stargate SG-1, Fallen, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: [Daniel, human again after being ascended, has no recollection of who he is] You were a member of my team, SG-1. You’re a friend of mine. Last year, you died.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m dead?
Jack: Obviously not. You just sort of died. Actually, you…ascended to a higher plane of existence. Last time I saw you, you were helping us fight Anubis.
Daniel: Anubis?
Jack: Yeah. Kind of an over-the-top, cliché bad guy. Black cloak, oily skin, kind of spooky. Anyway, obviously since then, you’ve retaken human form, somehow. I- (He stops and shakes his head.) Actually, I can understand how this might sound a bit unusual…
Daniel: A bit? …
Stargate SG-1, Fallen: Part 1, Quote
Shamda: No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust them.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Shamda: Enemies promises were made to be broken.
Jack: And yet, honesty is the best policy.
Shamda: He that has too many friends has none.
Jack: Ah, but birds of a feather…
Shamda: I’m unfamiliar with that story. What lesson does it teach?
Jack: It has to do with flocking…and togetherness…and…to be honest, I’m not that familiar with the particulars myself. The point is, we’re not your enemy. Give us a chance to prove it.
Stargate SG-1, Fragile Balance, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: I just woke up, haven’t had coffee, let alone a pee in seven days, and I find out you stole my ass and made a… mini me.
Stargate SG-1, Redemption, Quote
Major Samantha Carter: Navigation?
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Check.
Sam: Oxygen, pressure, temperature control?
Jack: All check.
Sam: Inertial Dampeners?
Jack: Cool!… and check.
Sam: Engines?
Jack: All Check. Phasers?
Sam: [smiling] Sorry sir. All systems operational.
Stargate SG-1, Redemption: Part 1, Quote
General George Hammond: Colonel Checkov feels that as a symbol of our joint efforts, a Russian officer should be assigned to join SG-1.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: Over my rotting corpse, Sir.
Hammond: Colonel…
Jack: I’m sorry, did I say that out loud?
Hammond: I said I would discuss it with you and that I was sure you would give it some careful thought.
Jack: And that I will, General, but I’m still pretty sure I’ll say…’bite me’.
Stargate SG-1, Full Circle, Quote
Colonel Jack O’Neill: I was sure that was an Asprin I took this morning.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Jack it’s really me. It’s me. You have to help. You have to find the Eye of Ra before Anubis does. I mean keep it, hide it, destroy it, whatever. It doesn’t matter. We don’t have much time.
Jack: Hey, Daniel. How you doin’? Long time. How are things in the higher planes?
[Daniel turns away from O’Neill, grimaces, then turns back.]
Daniel: Hey Jack, long time no see. H…h…h…how you doing?
Jack: Fine, just fine.
Daniel: The knees? The back? Everything’s…
Jack: Oh you know, kind of weather contingent actually.
Daniel: Right, right, right, right, so, what’s new?
Jack: Uhm…actually a funny thing happened to me, today. I’m riding an elevator and an old friend of mine, someone who never calls, never writes…
[Daniel rolls his eyes.]
Jack: …just shows up and tells me all about this very important and apparently urgent mission that needs my attention.
Stargate SG-1, Abyss, Quote
Dr. Daniel Jackson: I’m not allowed to interfere.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: You’re interfering right now.
Daniel: No, I’m not.
Jack: Yes, you are.
Daniel: No, I’m not. I am consoling a friend.
Stargate SG-1, Abyss, Quote
Ba’al: I am Ba’al.
Colonel Jack O’Neill: That’s it? Just Ball? As in bocce?